Overactive Motion Tracking

I have a pan and tilt camera mounted at ceiling height in my kitchen. When i have it on the motion tracking setting the lense is constantly darting around like it is tracking a moving object. But the object can just be a hand gesture. The motion is so small that i would think the lense wouldn’t have to move at all to track it.
Does anyone know if this is normal or maybe i have a defective camera?


I think the tracking tries to center the motion in the frame. So any motion, unless already dead center, would trigger the tracking. It isn’t very smooth action.

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No kidding haha Ignore my bald spot…

I’ve also noticed that it doesn’t pan down very much. Left and right is all over but if you walk below frame it doesn’t move…

i had to roll back the firmware to to fix the motion tracking…


Oh man I am afraid to attempt that one. It is really loud and obnoxious though. Its a bummer that I cant use my favorite function because of that.

is it still bad? i havent updated my firmware since rolling back. i would of hoped they fixed it by now… i just havent had time to update and try it …let me know

Yes, my camera is still having the same issue. I can’t use it in the motion tracking mode because it’s just too loud and it never stops moving. So do you think its a warranty issue? n? Because i do.

If they are in an area with a lot of movement, and motion tracking is turned on, then they will move a lot. I have my Pan monitoring an area that doesn’t have a lot of activity. You could turn motion tracking off, and then move the Pan through the app manually when you need to see a different area.

Too loud is relative. The Pans normally make some noise when rotating, and they have since they were released. But if you are hearing a loud grinding noise from the motor, then that is probably a warranty issue.

Keep in mind that this forum is primarily a user to user community. If you don’t get a helpful reply here, I suggest you file a support request including the log files for more help. You might want to go ahead and submit your ticket now as there is somewhat of a backlog. If you end up getting the issue resolved before support contacts you, then you can always let them know that it’s already resolved.

Alright. I will go ahead and submit a ticket. I don’t think the noise my cam is making is unusual compared to any of my other pans, it is just the fact that it never stops moving. Even when i am sitting motionless watching tv. Dialing back the sensitivity had no effect either.
I have been turning the feature on and off when I thought I may need it, but it seems like that defeats the purpose of using a pan camera. Being that i wanted the pan camera there because i don’t know when i will need it, but the motion sensor does. Thanks.

I have the same problem.
Did you ever get an response to your ticket?
Is there a fix for this erratic motion?
I have a new pan cam running ver .60. Tried older versions and the same thing happens


Yep… Mine is exactly like that too. Got mine a month ago. It came with the .50 firmware and I updated it to .60. both of them would not trigger motion tracking so I also went back to .40. (Btw, I wish they would provide the download link for .60).

I’m ok with motion detection still not being top notch but I do not understand how on your videos it tracks and follows like a champ.

INTRODUCING WYZE CAM PAN - YouTube The cat is followed so smoothly…

Look at how you advertise it on your main page of the Pan camera and how ajfollman tracking is. I got mine specifically to track my dog like in this page but…
From the image it looks like camera is interpreting changes at 100 times faster then mine. The camera makes a measurent per 1/4 second or less (mine doesn’t show as many green motion squares as in this sample of the dog running)

The question is: Why mine doesn’t work like in these videos?

You ask why the video on their web site works so well? The answer is Marketing!
Yes, marketing, not lying, just putting a little spin on the truth those folks is Sales and Marketing do so well.

They (Sales and Marketing folks) have done it for so long we are conditioned to accept it. Not me, I am fanatically skeptical of every advertisement I see. Got sucked in by the folks at Wyze but I guess you get what you pay for.

I have turned motion scanning off. Got tired of trying to fix it.

While I agree it is marketing, it does leave that feeling I was fooled. If they said that there is motion tracking (but without that dog image) I would be completely fine. But when you show a feature and how capable it is you do expect it to, at least, have a scenario where it would work like in the advertisement. It’s just like the “Shot on iPhone” ads. While it was shot with an iPhone it has tons of video/photography equipment used on to to produce those results. It’s possible to have those results but you have to buy additional equipment to achieve it. Although a little bit hidden they do have a “safe harbor” foot text saying that additional equipment was used.

Either way, I’ll stay in. 40 firmware with whatever motion track is available. As you said, you get what you payed for.
