Okay I have had the outdoor cameras with the base station for several years. I have an SD card in the base station but recently I put an SD card in each one of the cameras. I was under the impression that I would get continuous recording with the SD card. I also have the ultimate camera package. My problem is, I’m only getting select recordings due to motion. No different than when I didn’t have SD cards in the cameras. Do the SD cards give me longer and more videos recording that I can review.? If so how do I set it up? I formatted the SD cards when I installed them into the cameras.
If you have Cam Plus or Cam Unlimited there will not be any recordings backed up to the SD card in the base. I you want to record to the SD cards in the cameras you can set that up but if you set them for CONTINUOUS RECORDING you cameras batteries will be dead in about six hours if you start with a full charge.
For the cams with an SD in them set them for scheduled event recording, MOTION ONLY, set for 30 days, no cooldown period and a max duration of each video to the max of five minutes. The cameras will record to the SD as long as motion continues up to 5 min for each event then it will start recording another event if motion continues. You can do both cloud and scheduled event recording at the same time.
To view what was recorded to the SD you have to go to the app for that camera> on the bottom right tap more> album and find Scheduled recordings. To play you have to tap the download icon, the video will play but it will also be downloaded to your device media/photo center.
Note that while cloud recording the no cooldown setting for the WCO has been broken since 6 November 2023. Even if set to no cooldown the camera will still have a 1 minute period that they won’t record between events. The no cooldown setting/period on scheduled event recording does work recording to the SD.
Directions for scheduled recording can be found here: