I have many Wyze products but cannot figure this one out. Two new V2 outdoor cams do not have playback or recorded events. Both have sd cards, as does the base station. Both are marked to back up to base station. Both notify of motion events and a 12 sec clip goes to the cloud, but nothing to sd card(s) and no playback. Albums only show forced recordings or photos, How doIset them to get motion events written to sd cards?
There is no play back from the base you have to take the SD card out and read it on another device. Go here and read about scheduled event recording to the SD card in the camera at the same time you are doing cloud recording. Set it for 30 days, no cooldown, MOTION ONLY and a max duration of each video event up to 5 min. max before it starts another video. To view recording you have to open the camera album, scroll down to scheduled recordings. To play back tap the download icon on the event, it will load and then you can play. The video is also saved on your phone/device media photo album.
Directions Here:
Recordings look like this in the album:
Thanks! Very helpful! (Not intuitive).