Outdoor Cam Battery life Lasts One Month with <10 Events

I like my outdoor wireless cam but am finding the battery only lasts one month and not 3-6 months. My events per day are never more then 10 for sure. Is this common with other users or could there be other issues taking battery power?

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There is a long post Here if you didn’t already read it

Unfortunately as stated there by WyzeDongsheng:
“I’d suggest you use it as normal and see if the battery life ( over the course of the entire life ) is normal. You are welcome to contact support if in actual use, the battery life is very short.”

So wait, it might improve. Just be sure to submit a ticket now,


Hi @RBJride and welcome to the community forum! :slightly_smiling_face:
Don’t know if this will address this trouble but there is a new FW release for the wotdoor cam.

(Wyze Cam Outdoor Firmware Released - 2/10/21) (February 10, 2021)

  • Fixed a bug that caused Cam Plus Events to not detect people properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused accelerated battery drain with weak WiFi signal