Outdoor cam and Cam +

I have a simple setup, two outdoor cams that’s it. I recently subscribed to cam Plus on one camera. Previously the recording time was 12 seconds. With Cam Plus it’s cut the recording time to half of that, and it’s picking up motion slower than it used to. I tried to toggle it to the other camera. But when I do that, then the camera without Cam Plus well trigger for an event, but it won’t actually record anything it just shows a picture. Yes I tried going out and turning the cameras off and resetting them but that doesn’t seem to help. I’m thinking this Camp plus is not all it’s cracked up to be. Anyone else having problems with it?

Did you have cam plus lite on the camera previously when the camera would record 12 seconds? If so, that automatically saved 12 seconds regardless of motion length. If you have cam plus, then your event videos will be the duration of motion, if it’s short. The video will be short. If the motion continues, it will be longer. For the cam that now only has images, make sure to add it back to cam plus lite to get the 12 second vids.

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Yes that’s exactly what happened, I finally figured that out by reading through a bunch of stuff in the Forum, thank you! The support team never suggested it, in fact I guess they’re still trying to figure it out because they never did reply to my last query and log submission :woman_shrugging:


Glad it got figured out!

Niiiiiice. Glad this got figured out. I set all of mine to the max recording length. No reason not to.