Option to remove devices from device list if they are in a group

The old app would show groups and devices but if a devices was added to a group it wouldn’t show in the devices list also. When I loaded the new app, all my devices and groups showed but the first thing I noticed is that devices that were in groups were also in the device list. This clutters the list especially when you have a lot of devices.

That’s what Favorites solves.


Un favorite the device and that will remove the solo entry from the favorites tab.

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I am not talking about favorites. Using favorites to solve this problem is conflating two different features/use cases. The cameras I have in some of the groups or lights in other groups are not my favorites and I don’t want them on the favorite landing page. I have hundreds of devices. I just want them organized in groups and the device list without also being listed as individual devices at the root level of the device list.

It does not

I complained about this in another post. It has nothing to do with “Favorites”. It’s about the “Devices” tab.

Up top is a list of groups, and below it is a long list of all the devices.

I even suggested to replace this page with a tree view, with groups as nodes and their respective devices as sub nodes. Each group node can be collapsed as needed making the whole display very compact.

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