Group cameras

I have 14 cameras with a mix of V3 and 4 and I created a group called Home and they all used to be hidden - for lack of a better word - in that group and did not show until I tapped the home group. But now I have two that show immediately when I open the Wyze app but they also show in the group. Why are two opened immediately after opening Wyze app? Never used to do that. Granted I’m nitpicking but I don’t want to see them unless I open the Home group. Is there a limit to number of cameras in a group?

You have them individually favorited on the device list.


I’ll be darned - I un favorite the two and they are gone lol.

I never did the favorite when I created this group over a year and a half ago and this never happened. I had a list of my Home group which included 14 cameras and then my plugs listed and all were favorite. Why did it just now show up?


The favoriting function of devices is new since the 3.0 app update, so at some point since you got the 3.0 app they were individually clicked favorited.


If I remember correctly, when you upgrade to v3 it automatically fills in the favourites tab with devices from the devices tab.

I just never looked into that option since I updated to 3.

I updated to 3 the day it came out and all my cameras were yellow and they all stayed in my Home group. But yesterday one showed up open to view when the app itself was opened. I had switched a V3 camera for a V4 and all was good. Later when I opened the app that replacement V4 was showing when app was opened and also showing in the Home group.

Unchecking or removing the yellow in the device list fixed the showing on app open.

Is there a limit to the cameras that can be in a group? I experimented with adding and deleting cameras and it seemed to show up when I had over 13 cameras in group.

Edit - I just experimented with 12 V3 and V4 cams in my group. I just added a spare camera into the group and it showed up on app opening and also in my group. I removed that spare camera all was good. Strange

Yeah, version 3 of the app is work in progress, like everything else with Wyze :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, it’s supposed to be the five most-used items from the previous app’s Home screen list. In my case, in the v2.5x app I have the Video Doorbell v2 at the top of the list, followed by four camera groups. When I updated a phone to the v3.0 app, it automatically put those five things on the Favorites tab for me, which I thought was pretty cool, so I have an automatic live view of the thing I really want to see and then other camera groups below that.

I don’t know, but I think that’s a good question.

I think what you’re describing is that you can have the same camera in your Favorites list more than once, because you can show it in a group and as an individual device. In the pre-v3 app, devices that you put into groups would display only in those groups in the Home screen list, but in the new app, if you tap the Devices tab and scroll, you can see all your devices individually, even if you’ve also added them to groups. That means you can :star: both an individual device and a group containing that device.

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Agree. After playing with V3 now I like that I can pick a favorite camera - like my front door - and it will show when app is first opened without having to tap my Home Group to see that camera.

At first it didn’t appeal to me and I wanted a way to disable it which I got earlier in this conversation from omgitstony. But now that I work with it I like being able to have 1 or 2 of my cameras at doors show up immediately.

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Yeah, I can understand why some users are upset and want only a static thumbnail view for individual cameras on the app’s Home screen (like in the old app), and I certainly wouldn’t want every camera to try to stream immediately whenever I open the app, but I really like that the doorbell view is front and center for me, and all of my other Wyze cameras are in easily accessible groups that I can stream with one tap (even if some groups have only a single camera). Despite a lot of the carping from some users, I really think Wyze has begun to take the app in a direction that gives customers more flexibility in the way they use it.

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