Before you downgrade, can you please generate a log and post it here. Instructions above
No worries there, Wyze Support has piles of logs from me
Can you post a couple here so I can pass it on?
Here’s a couple of the Log ID’s
I’ll throw this log ID out into the ether to see if anything happens in getting a resolution to the issue I’m dealing with. Log ID: 1061489
Hopefully issue gets resolved
I provided the link to this Thread and Wyze is looking into this. Hopefully they will find the solution. Thanks for providing the Logs
Thank you
I downgraded to version in one of my six cameras and issue is still there
It might be with iPhone new app
Before you give up on that camera try these steps:
- Log out from Wyze App.
- Force close the app.
- After doing force close, restart your phone.
- Clear cache of your Wyze App. (Or just offload app and then reinstall don’t worry you won’t lose data)
- Log back into the app.
Alternatively switch the order of the last two steps, if the above doesn’t work, log back in and then clear the app cache within the Wyze app instead of offloading.
I think you nailed it. I have had at least 5 Wyze brand SD cards fail. And several more Amazon ones.
Support sent me reformatting instructions to use on PC, not one card was saved, about half of them weren’t even readable to the PC. So ridiculous
Tried the steps to log out from app, clear cache and reinstall but that didn’t work, what I noticed is that in some cameras you can play back the last event (less say 10 mins ago) but if you go back to other events from previous hours / days, you still get the same error.
Did this work 100% for you hoofster?
Did this work for you?
It’s been a week now and I’m having the exact same issues “operation failed “ can’t see play back from all 4 cameras. Checked all 4 SD cards on my laptop and could see recording. Restarted all 4 cameras, did updates too. Tried reaching out to Wyze through email and chat, not responding with answers to my issue.
Same issue here. SD Card was working fine for nearly a year on Wyze Cam v3, suddenly has this issue. Other camera (Wyze Cam Pan v3) with same SD Card is working fine though.
I tried unplugging and replugging, reinstalling it, and resetting it. Same issue.
It was working before the last firmware update but I had to follow all steps mentioned a few times. They also recently told me to turn off WiFi on my phone, and to try using only cellular data, and toggle airplane mode off and on. I only have three V3 cams, so not as many as you, and all were not working, then working, after I followed the steps. Interestingly they also started working right after I added all three to the subscription monitoring. Once I updated to the new firmware, everything broke again. Another issue I am having is that not all events I am notified about have videos saved under the events tab. And I can only view the playback for the saved events, The other events do have the video saved to the SD card, but I could only see it on the View Playback tab, but it won’t actually let me play back. The videos don’t even work from the livestream website (Live stream - Wyze). I supposed I will have to get the videos off manually by taking out the SD card.
Same issue. Operation failed on all 4 cameras with all latest firmware, latest app. VERY frustrating.
I opened a ticket with support, they replied back they are aware and looking into it… hope they give some priority as this kills the functionality of the camera as trying to see recording events is the most important feature