I have 2 older Pancams on Cam Plus. Bought 2 Cams OG. Got another subscrip for Cam Plus for those, but #3 got added to Cam Plus with the two older cams and 4th cam isn’t on any plan when i have TWO plans! I thought when the time comes I’d just get them on one plan but for now this is all i could see i could do - have 2 plans! How do I get cam 3&4 on that one plan?
Did you subscribe to cam plus through wyze or through Google play? If you subscribed through wyze directly, you’ll want to go to the wyze services website, log in, and add your camera to the plan there by clicking the box.
If you signed up through Google play, I’m not sure how to manage those subscriptions, as I did mine through wyze directly.
Thanks. I will try Google Play where I got the subscription.