Purchased Cam Plus, Added another Cam v4, no Cam Unlimited benefits

I purchased one Cam v4 a few days ago. I liked so much I subscribed to Cam Unlimited
for additional features. Today I added another Cam v4 but it hasn’t been added to Cam Unlimited. I have a total of 5 cameras on the account. Why didn’t it get added to Cam Unlimited?

When I check in Webview, I have to click on “Why am I not seeing all my cameras?” and a popup window shows " Wyze Cam v4 - Incompatible device model". It’s running the latest firmware.

I had a similar issue a few days ago. The V4 setup and was added to Cam Unlimited but wouldn’t record any cloud videos and wouldn’t load on the my WYZE web site for viewing… I set it up again with the reset button, got a haircut, 1 Whiskey and two beers and checked it again and it stared working and still is.