I’ve been using Cam Unlimited for a year and it’s great and I was able to buy and add Wyze cams throughout the last year. I’ve added 9 cams so far. Today, I tried to add a Cam Pan v3 and when it asked me to add to Cam unlimited, i tapped add and it says successfully added to Cam unlimited. But when I go to the camera’s view, it’s showing that it’s not in Cam plus/unlimited, so I can’t set recording cooldown and other Plus/Unlimited features. I go to Account>Services and i see that it’s under construction and I can’t manage cameras there, just a Cam Unlimited badge and a “COMING SOON…hang tight!” message . Is there an ETA for that so I can add new cameras? Please delete my post if this has already been asked.
I had some issues adding a new V4 yesterday, I also have cam unlimited. It finally “Fixed itself” after a couple of hours?
I’d say leave it online for a couple hours, may just be taking a while to register and update the camera.
Cam Unlimited automatically adds ALL your cameras to the plan, once they’ve been added to your account. The problem you’re experiencing is probably an issue on the Wyze servers and, as suggested by @dave27 , it will probably resolve on its own.
The next day it still was showing it’s not on Cam unlimited. I removed the Pan V3 and re-added and now it has Cam unlimited.
Same idea, registration issue of some sort. At least it was an easy fix.
@atlaswingpasaway - Unless there has been a change in protocol, cool down is only available for battery cams. Perhaps other knowledgeable users will correct me if I wrong.
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