Cam Plus won't Update cameras

Any clue why Cam Plus won’t add this V3 (named Sensor1)? As soon as I added Cam Plus to my existing account the camera stopped detecting motion. I’ve restarted it, I’ve reset it. Guess I’ll try factory reset next…

It’s not the camera. Wyze has a problem on the backend.

That is truly weird. @WyzeSeth any ideas?

Thanks - it seems to have sorted itself out as I added addition cameras. I think perhaps that camera was already enabled (the icon was showing up at the camera level) but it wasn’t reflected in that screen shot, either timing or UI (aka uWhy.)

Now, after adding more cameras, Account\My Services via web does show the correct number of cameras ‘on the plan’. This is good.

Interesting note: moved two cameras to WiFi extender. Did get an odd message camera voice message during the process: ‘specific network name not found’ (or something like that) and the Wyze app never completed the configuration the first time…but in both cases when I cancelled it returned me to the camera model selection and when I repeated the steps it worked out. Carefully named cameras same name as before (not sure if matters) but after moving to different WiFi setting same name they landed ok within assigned group…no burn on the CamPlus count either. So a little more testing of that process might smooth it out - the ‘wait’ page needs to be smarter about it too.


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