So I’ve had 2 V2 cams (not the pans) for a few months now and have played with production and beta firmware/apps through this period and recently installed the RTSP firmware.
FYI - observations were made using the Wyze app as well as vcl and tinyapp. Also, after a camera is up and working I block their mac addresses (see list item #1) in my router. Each of the camera mac addresses is assigned to a static ip address. Also, in rtsp with tinyap I have them set to generic camera and rtsp over udp. I do not have SD cards in the cameras and have event detection turned off.
Some things that I’ve noted that apply to both the native firmware and the rtsp versions with regard to mac addresses are as follows:
the mac addresses alternate between 2C:AA:8E:xx:xx:xx and B2:BE:xx:xx:xx:xx on both cameras.
if the mac address switches then in the native firmware I need to unblock the addresses for a short period of time so that the camera can access the internet and then I can block them again. the interval that this occurs seems random as it can range from 1 day to as long as a few weeks at a time; any insight would be helpful
if the mac address switches in the rtsp firmware all I need to do is alternate to that one (ie it has a different ip) in vcl or tinyap. In the Wyze app I can just access the camera - when I look at the settings in the app it will show me which mac address is currently assigned.
in rtsp it appears that the signal is lost/frames dropped more often than with the native firmware. this appears to be the case whether using the wyze app, vcl or tinyapp. To reduce this from happening due to any bandwidth issues I have set the resolution to 360p which helps a little.
If I can find a solution to the cameras switching mac addresses as well as the lost signal/dropped frames then I will be able to fully implement these 2 cameras and add more to a desired nvr type of system.
Any insight, suggestions, random ideas are most welcome.
Thanks in advance!