Notification sounds stop working after app updates

Have had this happen a couple times, the first time wasn’t really sure what caused it, but this time it definitely seems to have started after the latest app update this week.

Notifications come through, but there is no sound anymore.

The only two cams I have notifications enabled on are both OGs, so I don’t know if it is camera specific but seems more likely to be app related, something to do with updating loses the link to android’s notifications I guess. I’m assuming if I used a system sound instead of the “app provided sound” it might not happen, guess I can try that.

I’ve tried going in to both wyze notification settings and android notification settings, turning them off and on, changing the sound (in wyze) saving, then changing back, etc, but the only way I’ve found to get them back is uninstall and reinstall the app.


Eh, this time even after uninstalling and reinstalling, sounds start working but it is just the default system sound, the “app provided sound” isn’t there and changing the sounds in the wyze app has no effect. So I’ve just changed to using one of the android sounds for the notifications rather than have to mess with it.

Another strange thing I’ve noticed with notifications - whether using the app sound or the system sound, sometimes it plays once, sometimes 1.5 times, sometimes 2 full times. Not a big deal, just odd.

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Hi Dave27
Thanks for the followup on this issue, I’m experiencing a similar thing. Notifications will only use my text message sound in spite of saving the app notification sound I’m paying for, and sometimes delivers twice for the same event. Pesky!

Do I understand correctly that you fixed yours by uninstalling/reinstalling the app?

Uninstall/reinstall worked for me last time, this time that got sounds working again but it was the system default sound and not the Wyze one (I suspect maybe rebooting in between uninstall and reinstall may have helped). I’m guessing your text message sound is probably your system default sound. Rather than deal with it anymore, I just chose a system sound that works and is distinct enough from other sounds, that shouldn’t have the issue going forward like the “app provided sound” seems to. If you go into your android settings and go to apps/wyze/notifications you can choose a system sound there.

It does still do the double sound around 50% of the time, not sure what causes that, but that one isn’t a big deal for me.

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This may help, or it may not. Hard to tell, sometimes. :slight_smile:

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THANK you! Will try.

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Helpful! Thank you very much

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Thank you peepeep, it DID help. Was able to set a new system sound, and yes it often alerts twice in a row, but at least I can tell it apart from my text messages now!
Excellent – appreciate your followup!

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Man, that’s great, vrgniaslim! One step forward, then another, eh? Cheers! :slight_smile:

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