Notification Sound Changed

Curious… can you go back to sound provided in App? I selected a different sound but don’t see any way to go back to App provided sound.

What happens if you choose “Default” sound?

If I select default, it uses the phone’s default sound and not Wyze App default sound. Worth a try but didn’t work.

Hmm… Now I’m stumped. Maybe Wyze Support can help. (Is that being too optimistic?)

It turns out that sound notifications in iOS is possible but is something that the app developer (in this case Wyze) needs to implement in the app. Here is an article:,set%20as%20the%20notification%20sound.

My solution to this is totally different. In the Android notification settings for the Wyze app, I have sounds disabled.

Next, I installed the MacroDroid app for Android. I created macros in that app that read and speak the text from Wyze notifications. In one example, it might say:

“Person detected on [Camera name]”

Or you can have a script play any unique sounds (or perform other actions), depending on event and/or camera. The possibilities are endless.

MacroDroid is pretty powerful for doing anything on an Android device, but this is just an example of how I leveraged it to crack the Wyze notification sounds nut.

Edit: Just not to scare anyone away from having to “write scripts”, MacroDroid has a very user friendly wizard to define triggers and actions. I initially adopted this app solely for the custom sound challenge for the Wyze app, but now have been using it for much more.

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My notification sound changed over the weekend on my iPhone, I actually like the sound as I know it’s related to my video doorbell.

I do like the sound for when it’s late at night and quiet, as it is distinct and yet not too loud.

Unfortunately I have never been able to hear the sound when I’m up and about, especially when I’m outside.

I noticed many negative feedback from beta users on the new sound, but still Wyze pushed this change out to everyone. I wish Wyze could have listened more to beta users. I would think that was the main point of having beta customers.

I suppose for us iOS users, advocate for the in-app notification sound customization option, or get an Apple Watch so the notification can be more noticeable.

Thank you for that. This stupid sound that suddenly started happening a few days ago was so annoying, considering I have my volume on my Android set to off and I still would hear it for every notification.

I also turned it off, in not only both Wyze Message, but also in the General toggle as well under the App Info.

This should be part of the app, and I didn’t even sign up for the Beta either…

You got that update because the Beta went into Production as a regular App Update.

Wyze just released another App update yesterday that introduced the ability to toggle off the App default sound in the settings menu. I would expect more functionality with this feature to be introduced in upcoming app updates.

For the record, that new feature doesn’t work well, at least for me.

If I select Default I get the same chime that everyone else uses. If I select Wyze sound I get no sound at all.


Can you submit a log and give me the log number so I can get it to the team?

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Hopeful that I did that right, log ID 1021955.

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And if you want, we could probably continue this under the “New Wyze notification sound went away (was: “Notification Sound Changed”)” thread… sorry about splitting off the thread but this did seem like a new problem and I thought a bit off-topic for this thread but maybe not…


Ahhh that makes sense, I do updates at the start of the week, so this would be why I never noticed the in-app sound change. I’m updating the app now. Thanks for that…

Please see the posts above. If you experience any issues, please push an App Log and post the number here in reply to Jason’s post above. Thx.

I’m having the same issue with the new update.

Nope, it works now, I was able to find the sound toggle in the app after updating it and it solved the issue…

Log ID 1022284

I’m sorry but I don’t see that option, unless I’m blind. I am on beta 2.41.0 (28) and there is no production app in Apple Store. The toggle is not there. Was this even in the beta version or was beta bypassed?