Not licorice

One of my favorite candies is black jelly beans.

My ear buds are black.

Don’t try to put a black jelly bean in your ear or an ear bud in your mouth when you are toasted.


Speaking from experience? :laughing:

My ear buds are white, so I stay away from Coconut jelly beans when I drink.

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When I drink I don’t even use ear buds, I need full concentration to the task at hand :rofl:


I gave up drinking and driving long ago.

I got the Wyze Buds in green specifically so they’d stand out and be easily distinguishable from what other family members use (nothing to do with drinking or :beans:).

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I wasn’t aware that driving was involved :thinking:

What requires that much of your concentration?

Drinking :rofl:

Edit: Also I don’t use ear buds while driving.

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I guess I don’t drink the expensive stuff to ponder what’s in it. :laughing:

Definitely not in the car. Bluetooth automatically connects to audio system.

Never thought of using ear buds while drinking, till now.

Me neither, maybe once a year if that. To cheap to flush money down the toilet :rofl:

Same here or just tune in to my favourite classic rock station.

Are we a bad influence :wink:

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Next on @ssummerlin’s gift ideas list: Ice cube trays that make earbud-shaped ice for your drinks! :grin:

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Never used buds in the car. Especially for music. I might as well enjoy all 17 speakers. :musical_note:

Not yet. :wink:

@TomG might like that with some black dye. :upside_down_face:

Or liquorice extract for authenticity :slight_smile:


Around here you can only wear one piece earbuds legally.

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Only had liquorice drink once. Seems it is an antidote for excessive garlic. Not a liquorice fan.

Can’t stand it :face_vomiting:

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One of my favorites for upper respiratory infections and pharyngalgia: Tea Source Iron Silk Puer (contains licorice root, among other things).

Didn’t realize there were two spellings. Learned something new today.