One of my favorite candies is black jelly beans.
My ear buds are black.
Don’t try to put a black jelly bean in your ear or an ear bud in your mouth when you are toasted.
One of my favorite candies is black jelly beans.
My ear buds are black.
Don’t try to put a black jelly bean in your ear or an ear bud in your mouth when you are toasted.
Speaking from experience?
My ear buds are white, so I stay away from Coconut jelly beans when I drink.
When I drink I don’t even use ear buds, I need full concentration to the task at hand
I gave up drinking and driving long ago.
I got the Wyze Buds in green specifically so they’d stand out and be easily distinguishable from what other family members use (nothing to do with drinking or ).
I wasn’t aware that driving was involved
What requires that much of your concentration?
I guess I don’t drink the expensive stuff to ponder what’s in it.
Definitely not in the car. Bluetooth automatically connects to audio system.
Never thought of using ear buds while drinking, till now.
Me neither, maybe once a year if that. To cheap to flush money down the toilet
Same here or just tune in to my favourite classic rock station.
Are we a bad influence
Next on @ssummerlin’s gift ideas list: Ice cube trays that make earbud-shaped ice for your drinks!
Never used buds in the car. Especially for music. I might as well enjoy all 17 speakers.
Not yet.
@TomG might like that with some black dye.
Or liquorice extract for authenticity
Around here you can only wear one piece earbuds legally.
Only had liquorice drink once. Seems it is an antidote for excessive garlic. Not a liquorice fan.
Can’t stand it
One of my favorites for upper respiratory infections and pharyngalgia: Tea Source Iron Silk Puer (contains licorice root, among other things).