Not licorice

…and you spelled it properly :rofl:

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I overdosed on black jelly beans years ago. Ended up in the ER. Don’t want to get into detail. Too much licorice is bad. A few years later my dad did the same thing except he went to the ER because he ate a whole family sized bag of some kind of spicy Doritos. Line father, like son.

And who said anything about liquids being involved?


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Yeah, it definitely has the potential to cause problems, sometimes serious. Moderation is important.

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Real Licorice can send you blood pressure through the roof, but most of the stuff made in the USA is made with Anise. Check the ingredients. I also like black licorice but I have to eat the fake flavored Anise type.

The reason I can’t stand liquorice is that back in the day when I was young and handsome=foolish, I got drunk, really drunk of Mastika similar drink to Ouzo heavily flavoured with Anise and very popular in Greece and North Macedonia.

:rofl: There was a version of Ouzo also in Japan that a lot of young foolish Navy Men thought they could handle. Never worked as planned. :laughing:

It never does as it’s meant to be an aperitif. I think the initial taste is what throws many people off and they keep on drinking until they :face_vomiting:

In case you didn’t see the earbud, here it is highlighted


Sneaky little bugger :rofl:

I have a story that involves lots of double shots of Ouzo, a hot girl, and it ended with her tossing her cookies ALL OVER a biker’s bed after a hearty Greek meal.


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Only tried Ouzo once in France. Unfortunately a woman was not involved and gladly I did not puke.

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The hot girl blew up, not me.

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Sorry if I somehow inferred otherwise. Your reputation is safe with me.

I did try absinthe once upon a recommendation from a new French friend. Didn’t know what it was at the time. They seemed to call it Jet. Years later I found out the name.

I wasn’t offered a sugar cube or a knife.

I always remember that green color.

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