Does anybody know the cause of the nonstop cracking sound and flashing light. This was in an old house basement. It had only been connected about a month. I had never used it. I brought it upstairs and tried it in other outlets and it did the same thing. I removed the brick and plugged into a charger directly. Nothing worked. Everything is up to date.
That appears to be some sort of physical issue. Maybe the plug on the cam is damaged, or some water/something else got into it. Or it may have just been defective from the factory (sometimes defects take a little while to appear, a component burns out far faster than it should have, etc).
Have you tried a different USB cable in addition to different power bricks? Can blow out the USB connector on the cam too just to see. If you think something might have dripped on it while in the basement, you can put it in a bag of rice for a day to try and dry out any water that may have gotten in.
But barring all that, likely just a dead cam. Given how old it is and how much better the newer cams are, especially in low light, it might make sense to grab an OG cam (frequently on sale for $20 or under). The v4s were even $25 when first released, but I’m not sure if they drop that low frequently or not.
I changed the cable (cord) and the problem was resolved. It wasn’t the power brick, but the cable. Thanks for your reply.
Glad it was an easy fix (even if not obvious). One of my outdoor cams got some moisture in the included cable and had me scratching my head for quite some time since it wasn’t obviously wet. But the included cables are also pretty thin and delicate so even just wear and tear could be to blame.
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