No security

Don’t turn off Motion Recording. Leave “Record Motion Events” On. Leave “All Motion Events” On rather than “Smart Detection Events”.

In your Notification settings, turn off “Other Motion Events” and turn on your AI events.

In your Events Tab, filter out “Triggered by Motion” and select all your important AI Tags so you aren’t sifting thru a ton of Events.

If a green Motion Tracking box appears on the video, and if you have “All Motion Events” selected, it will upload. If it didn’t, you may be dealing with intermittent WiFi connectivity issues on your network that are limiting the cam’s uploads.

Which is exactly why it didn’t upload after the initial motion track. It was placed in the 5m cooldown after the initial event from the lights at the vehicle and wouldn’t have uploaded anything after that motion event. The cam needs Cam Plus.

I use my cams exclusively for security and will put them up head to head against any cams out there and come up an even match or better. The number one problem created with these cams is because users believe they are plug it in, point and shoot, universal capability cam in any situation. They are not. They, like any other cam on the market, are only as good as the user sets them up to be. The most important factor, above and beyond anything else, is the FOV. Cam placement is more than half the battle. A poorly placed cam will always give you poor performance.

Next, the cams must be individually tuned for their unique FOV. That’s why there are settings for each cam. They can’t all work the same way with the same settings.

Your cams have a deep FOV with the expectation to capture relatively small objects in the distance. Yet you are limiting their capability to motion activate on relatively small distant objects by restricting their Sensitivity to nearly half their potential capability. This is a user setting, not a Cam characteristic. Until that is changed, you aren’t going to get improved motion detection from the cams.