Don T. Handel
I have an Alexa routine to turn on a light when a camera detects a person. That routine seems to be still working.
I’ve been paying for person detection for a few months now, but since Jan 28 it hasn’t been working on any of my cameras. One camera in my garage hasn’t detected a person for a month?! I’m in there every day.
Not sure why I’m paying for something that only works sometimes. . . . Half the time it is false positives anyway.
This is happening more and more, with every update and every new feature that is supposed to make our devices better. This is really frustrating, and now I’m sorry that I recommended wyze to my friends and neighbours.
Agree. I thought it would work on my v3 as well (where I really want it) but it doesn’t. Thinking of cancelling.
still no notifications to motion events. when I check in the log, there are vids of motion, but it would be nice if it works as designed, like it day until 3 days ago.
Back in October or November we had person detection and then we noticed a big refund in our paypal account we had a refund for 44 cameras that we bought 1 year on them.In January we bought 44 cam + and it seams to be working as they said.
Don T. Handel
This will be interesting if it works
Don T. Handel
On our cam + it says person,vehicle and motion
Don T. Handel
Person, vehicle, motion detection are working on my Cam Plus subscribed cameras. There’s just no notification.
Same here
Don T. Handel
Sounds like its on your end…i just had our service technicians check ours and all 18 sites,56 cameras are working just fine no issues found…Julie service manager.
At first I thought he was telling them not to “handle” him. Then I gathered it’s his name…
The responses are rather disjointed. Not sure he (Don) or she (Julie) knows they are posting to a forum.
My take is that two persons are using the same account.
Person Detection has just disappear from my cameras, but I still have PD as an active subscription on my account for all cameras?!?
Now I am getting motion detection notifications from all my cameras, even thought I had it turned off on all my cameras, and only had PD activated… .
I’m hoping that the planned maintenance corrects the problems . . . but not holding my breath UNFORTUNATELY; That is more than 24 hours away
As of 8:30 EST, PD is working for me. I don’t have cam plus so I’m unable to verify the other services.
Enable Wyze AI notifications and verify that you have set your cam to record on motion. I had to toggle motion recording on and off for one of my cams to get pd alerts.
Person detection is finally working