I noticed that the latest app update included syncing with Fitbit for the scale. However, I’m not seeing it in the third party apps section of the scale. Still only Google Fit linking. Any ideas what I need to do to get it to show up? Thanks.
Same here, saw the update saying syncing with Fitbit was now working. But it doesn’t show in 3rd party apps. Went to Fitbit to see if it showed in their Compatible Apps, not there. Sounds like this announcement was premature.
FYI, here’s the changelog info for the Android App update of 7/29/20, with the changes for Wyze Scale.
Wyze Scale:
- Added Fitbit data integration
- Added trends for more body metrics
- Improved the algorithm
Looks like the first one isn’t in the update. Additional trends are there, they look very good.
I know some on Reddit are reporting it’s in their app. So maybe slow rollout?
Did they say iOS, Android, or both?
iOS. But I checked on my iPad today and it’s not showing there either for me.
Fitbit showed up today in the 3rd party apps on my Android Wyze app. Looks like it just took a while to propagate. Checked it out, working fine. Be aware that it Fitbit does NOT pull across any history you have in Wyze, it only brings in new readings.
Just got it today. Thank you!