Please tell me someone’s working on enabling nightvision based on time of day instead of automatic - it seems to be so inconsistent!!!
This has been requested in an existing Wishlist topic:
Please visit that one to show your support by hitting the Vote button above the initial post and sharing your use cases in the comments!
What’s aggravating is Wyze employees actually created a poll like a year ago saying new triggers/actions were coming and to vote on the first ones they should work on.
Then it totally fizzled out and died.
I too would like the ability to turn night mode on and off with an automation (in my case I want it to only come on when it senses motion to cut way down on the false alerts from dust, rain, bugs, etc).
But at this point it does not seem to be any sort of priority, even after they hyped it up so much.
Yes, and I never saw any response when I asked about follow-up several months ago:
@WyzeVeronica do you have any insight into this and what came of it??
Hopefully we can adjust the time of day (Unless it is computed for location). For instance, people who live up north has less sunshine at 4:30pm in the winter (Where I used to live.) Also, in the south, we have light later than the northeners. I am glad I don’t live in Alaska. I guess eclipses are rare enough not to worry about the darkness.
Not to veer too far away from the main topic, but this has been my problem (and the subject of my most recent unresolved Support ticket). Even when I have recorded my geographic location by providing my physical address within the Wyze app (at Account ➜ Home), their systems seem to ignore this information with respect to geographic-time-based functions. Vacation Mode has never worked for me the way it’s supposed to, and numerous users have complained for years about how their cameras’ (at static locations) time zones change when the users (and their phones) travel to different time zones.
If they’re going to provide a place for me to input my location, then they should actually use this information in a meaningful and logical way, and not just for Home Monitoring subscriber alerts. Key sunrise/sunset times, sunrise/sunset offset times (like if I want something to start at sunset + 15 minutes and end at sunrise - 15 minutes), Vacation Mode, etc., off the place on the map that I tell you where my Wyze stuff is!
To get back toward the main subject, definitely something like a Video Doorbell v2—which one would imagine is attached to the house and isn’t likely to move much—should be able to have a location and time zone set, and it’d be cool if Automation Actions were added to allow for time-based Night Vision Mode settings, especially with respect to sunrise/sunset at a given geographic location.
Hi @amadib! Thanks for tagging me. Let me check with our team.
Hey everyone! I reached out to the team and tried my best to decipher some dev speak.
Last year, we reached out to the community for feedback on features you wanted to see, and we’re still tracking those requests. We’ve been focusing on the top priorities, along with some easier enhancements. Since then, we’ve rolled out vacation mode for lights, switches, and plugs, and turning off camera notifications for a specified time should be coming soon to certain cams (beta stage). We’re also working on the ability to turn off the spotlight for a set duration, so far I think it’s on the Cam v4.
I’m really sorry if some of your wishlist automations haven’t been implemented yet or if you see it on one camera but not another. Unfortunately, creating new features doesn’t automatically make them compatible with every device. There’s also complications for cloud vs local (phone based) automations.
Now, I totally get this is not the news you’re hoping for. Please know that we have many team members that genuinely care about these requests (don’t skip out polls and feedback) and are working to integrate new rules alongside bug fixes, maintenance, and other initiatives. It’s a balance. I’m waiting on this night vision one myself. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Thank you for bubbling this up to the team Veronica! Definitely understandable.
Were you able to learn at all if they are tracking the request to include automation around day/night either set manually or scheduled by sunset/sundown with the v2 doorbell or if it is something that is limited based on the device hardware/software that would be refreshing to know!
I think many of us have become frustrated with what feels like a focus around the subscription service over core functionality that really made Wyze the brand that it is today and having that insight or transparency would be a big step in helping regain the trust of the consumer - especially the loyal ones.
Hi @amadib. Sorry for the delayed response.
I hear you on that. Please know that we have many members that work on the core app itself and push for the continued improvements on the core functions. Sometimes those improvements aren’t as obvious, or impact only specific cameras, but they are there.
When it comes to this specific rule, I want it as much as everyone here for my own personal use. From my understanding, this automation implementation would be difficult because currently the camera talks to your phone directly (for this function) while our automation engine is on the Wyze cloud. What this means is that we’ll need to build a new path: camera’s night vision settings > automation in the cloud > back to your phone > camera does X. Creating this new path is apparently not as simple as I had thought it would be.
I will talk to the team to see if we can have better transparency on all of the changes that do occur though. You’re right, we can do a much better job at this. Seems like it would be a win for everyone. I know my words can only go so far but I absolutely appreciate everyone (fans and people who point out flaws) in this community.
Thank you Veronica for your reply and not forgetting us It’s also refreshing to know you’re also looking forward to the inclusion of this rule.
There is one thing I’m still not entirely clear on; does the doorbell not have an internal clock? We can see the timestamps when we view the video/snapshots, that shouldn’t be pulled from the phone/cloud.
Thanks again for being on top of things and your detailed responses.
We technically allow automations based on sun up and sun down, shouldn’t be that hard to do it for night vision.
You mean IR Night Vision right?
Yes, this is for IR night vision (and technically maybe color for someone out there). I’ve been talking to the Automations team (and they’ve been talking to the devs). It apparently not as simple I we originally thought. Which I honestly thought “Hey, we have night visions settings and automation scheduling, how hard could that be?” Yup, I’m def not a dev at all based on that logic.
I’ll try again in case some details got lost. Maybe if we approach this from a local feature VS automations, we could get this done.
We don’t forget the community. I know I just get busy and then the next thing I know a month goes by. Time moves so fast.
You bring up a good point and so does Matt. We do have localized settings too. I guess I didn’t think of it because I’ve never requested a local feature change before. In all my time at Wyze, I haven’t done this… it’s like a whole new world. I’m not sure what the lift is, or who I’ll bug, but I’m gonna poke around and hope no one gets annoyed.
Hi @amadib ,
I believe the device does have an internal clock - but it’s more likely that we know the location of that device, and then we are able to get the location time based on the area. Have you encountered a particular issue?
Unfortunately, some of the settings do not go through the cloud - which makes it super hard to change through our automation system. But it is doable and we are on it!
It’s got a processor that runs computer code, so it has a clock. Otherwise, what’s the point of the Settings ➜ Advanced Settings ➜ Sync Time Sync button? You should be able to confirm that it’s got a clock by popping in a microSD card while your Video Doorbell v2 is offline and then pulling it after a few minutes and looking at the files written to the card. That’s what comes to mind as a test for me, anyway. That does raise some other questions, though:
- Is Video Doorbell v2 afflicted by the same issues as some other Wyze cameras, where if the device loses its Internet connection it starts recording to a different subdirectory on the microSD card that isn’t accessible where a user would expect to find it in the timeline?
- Why doesn’t Wyze use the location that users can set at Account ➜ Home for time-based features/functions and then either default the devices’ time to the time zone for that location or (better yet) allow users to set more than one location and assign individual devices to each? Then tapping the Sync should set the devices’ time based on NTP (or something similar) according to their assigned location-based time zones, and time-based device features should execute based on those times.
Welcome to the Forum, @vannirobben!
Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my request. Why wouldn’t we able to set the IR Night Vision based on the internal clock simplifying the need for automation rules via communication with the cloud/phone?
Anything runs through automations will be on cloud. If that is a schedule, then that schedule will be stored on the cloud. Part of the reason is that each schedule can control multiple devices, thus we need a centralized place to trigger all the actions.