New WYZE Cam v4---no event recording

Hi, I just got another wyze cam, a v4, and instead of event recording, there is just a thumbnail.
I can’t add the camera to my cam lite account.
I also can only look at one cam out of 4 on the cam lite account, two outdoor cams aren’t compatible and only one of the indoor cams is allowed. Has this changed from prior?
It would be nice if every cam worked the same, no?

The v4 is not compatible with cam lite. You have to have a cam plus subscription.


Huh. Well that’s a bummer.

Thanks for the quick reply, btw!

Anything released after the v3 can’t be used with Cam Plus Lite. But just toss a decent SD card in it and record to that (unless you want the “person detection” and stuff like that, in which case you have to pay for a subscription).


No problem! And like Dave said, putting an SD in it is a good idea. The events tab is just cloud storage anyway, you’ll still get full events recorded to the sd.

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Can you return the v4 and get a v3?

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I put in an SD card, so far so good.
Thanks all.