New Spectrum modem that only has 5G. My old modem had both 2G and 5G.
All of my cameras are 2G only. Can I buy some to convert 5G down 2G just
for my cameras.
Welcome to the Forum, @michblkbear!
I think maybe you’re talking about 5 GHz vs. 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and if your new (ISP-supplied?) equipment supports only the 5 GHz band (which I suspect would be highly unusual), then it should be possible to attach a separate router to handle dual-band Wi-Fi.
Before going there, though, I think it might be helpful if you could share additional detail about what you’re working with: modem/gateway/router model name and number would be a good place to start. That might help others here dig into this and provide assistance.
My Spectrum modem WiFi 7 router is 5G or change all devices to 2.4G only not both.
everything in the house is 5G except my Wyze cameras. My old Spectrum modem did both.
That is wild and unusual. I hope this isn’t a new trend.
Probably just go into the settings and turn off band steering ?
A Spectrum modem WiFi 7 router operates on all three WiFi bands: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz. This means it utilizes the full spectrum available for WiFi 7 technology, providing increased bandwidth and better performance compared to older WiFi standards.
Key points about Spectrum WiFi 7 routers:
- Multi-band capability:
Accesses all three frequency bands (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz) simultaneously.
- 6 GHz band utilization:
Takes advantage of the dedicated 6 GHz band for high-speed, low-latency connections.
- Advanced features:
May include features like band steering to automatically select the best band for your device based on its proximity to the router.
I think you replied to the choir.
I just purchase my own basic equipment because it is cheaper than renting from Xfinity in the long run and I get something I can understand how to use and change setting.
I see nothing in the settings called band steering… I see that the router will do
multi band but it looks like it is only one band at a time. all 2.4G or 5G or 6G not
two at the same time… bummer thanks for the help anyway.
I’m skeptical that this is an accurate characterization, particularly after reading this:
Since Wi-Fi 7 is backwards-compatible with previous Wi-Fi standards and includes the 2.4 GHz band, I would expect your new modem/router to work with your Wyze cameras, but you haven’t yet provided a model name or number, so I think we’re all just guessing here at what we think your options should be.
What does Spectrum support say when you contact them?
I would download the manual for further review.
Yeah, if it’s available. We don’t even know what the equipment is yet.
With the model number, Google is your friend. I downloaded my car’s auto manual before I bought it and read it three times. I educated my car salesman.
From the link @Crease posted.
Set up Smart Devices (2.4 GHz)
Follow these simple steps to begin using 2.4 GHz:
- Sign in to your account.
- From your Services page, select Internet.
- Navigate to and select Set up Smart Device (2.4 GHz).
- Select Switch to 2.4 GHz.
- Switch back to your third party application to continue setting up your smart device.
You can also access the Set up Smart Device (2.4 GHz) feature on the My Spectrum App.
If you’re having trouble connecting your phone or tablet to your WiFi network during an active 2.4 GHz session, follow the steps below:
- Try switching off cellular data from your phone tablet settings.
- Check to see if the WiFi Assist feature is enabled in your phone settings. If so, disable it. Using the WiFi Assist feature may prevent phones using 2.4 GHz to connect.
Note: Feature availability may vary by router model and region.
If you’re still having trouble with the Setup Smart Device with 2.4 GHz, please contact us.
Bingo. I missed that.
Off topic, but I may or may not have done this with firearm purchases.
Yeah, exactly, which is why I’m curious about this:
Naw, it isn’t.
What isn’t?
It would be highly unlikely that it does not have 2.4ghz. What you may be confusing is the fact that some routers name the two networks different things, while others name it the same thing and auto-select the frequency.
Have you tried to see if your cameras can see the network ID? If they can, it has 2.4ghz.
Wifi 6 and 7 included significant improvements to 2.4ghz and one of the main features of WIfi 7 is being able to use both simultaneously (on devices that support it) to get really high bandwidth. So it would not make sense for them to not have it. ISPs are quite dumb, but even they know that people have IOT devices that run on 2.4 only.
I suspect (but can’t say for sure) those instructions are for those cases where having a phone on one band and camera on the other sometimes causes setup issues. Or maybe the known issues with band steering sometimes trying to force 2.4 only devices to 5 and preventing them from seeing the network. It sounds like they’re using a single SSID for both bands but give you the option of temporarily disabling 5 (with those steps) for the time you’re setting up your device. I’m guessing you switch it back after…