Can you see the 2nd Yellow Finch?
Cam was set about 9 feet away from the vertical waterfall in my mother’s backyard. I’m still out in Calif, probably for another month and a half, at least.
That’s some nice coloring. Looks bright and pretty.
Yeah, it seems that way. Although I think I prefer the V3’s. The OG is also brighter but less colorful that the other cams. I have one next to the older v2 so my mother can decide which she likes better and although it’s a bit clearer, the v2 shows deeper colors.
Like all new cameras after a month or 2 and the users send in service logs and they push out new firmware the now OG cams will be just fine for the amount paid is a very good deal,most people just dont understand new technologies so i would say after 60 days you will see improvements,Wyze has done it before…
Yeah, I’m sure they will. I will leave my mother with whichever one she wants and I’ll stick with the V3’s.
Wyze allways does firmware updates,the V3 has had over 88,the older V2 100 + our service technicians really like the V3 Pros We currently have over 44 of them in service at our sites and at customers homes/offices/warehouses…thats what our technicians have told me well thanks for your answer
Oh yeah, I forgot about the pro. I have 1 in the backyard. It seems to have a oíttle