Dose anyone else have these problems with the Wyze Cam V3 Pro’s? 3 days ago the Wyze app changed. New features and just looks updated. Sense then 5 of my Wyze Cam V3 pro cameras are only able to work in 360p. I always have them set to 2k. But whenever I try to adjust from 360p to higher resolution. The picture on all 5 V3 Pro cameras . The screen turns green or blue with distorted lines. Also I can’t view or record from timelines. I have the latest firmware from November on all 5 V3 Pro cameras.
I have excellent internet service. My speed test download 936 Mbps Upload 69Mbps. I have done every troubleshooting possible from refreshing my signal to unplugging cams to deleting them and adding them back to the app.I changed settings like night vision on all settings. I have deleted the app and redownloaded it from Google play store. I have been using Wyze cams for over 2 years now. I have 16 different Wyze cameras. And all my experience points to the app changes that took place 3 or 4 days ago. The app is different looking. So I assume there was an update of some kind? This is when the problem started. And today there was no improvement.
I think you should state if you are talking about watching your 5 V3 Pro cams in a group, on the My Wyze Live view or just trying to live stream one individual cam. I don’t have any groups and my one V3 Pro will live stream on the iOS app in 2K all day until I turn it off. I know there were many post here about members viewing multiple cams in a group having issues after the 2.48 app was installed.
I’m only meaning the app on my android phone. 1 live stream at a time. Thanks.