Good morning. I have about 20 cameras of different versions throughout the home. We use Verizon 5g Home internet and i utilize TP Link routers via their easymesh around the farm. One main router and 4 easy mesh routers in out buildings.
Camera log ins have been quite slow while on the network. I find non responsiveness to pan cameras and then other times they work well. Other cameras require reboots often. Sometimes the loading live stream process takes a long time and then fails.
Are there any network settings that tend to help performance?
I have a cellular broadband at my cottage and I only have four cameras. My upload speeds hover around 5Mbps, sometimes go as high as 9 and sometimes will drop below 3. When the upload speeds drop the cameras sporadically loose connection. Dropping the resolution has helped as well as lowering the detection sensitivity. With 20 cameras you might be hitting the upload threshold.