Name Device: Operation Failed. Unable to complete setup of Wyze v3

I purchased a Wyze garage door controller with the included Wyze Cam v3. When I try to set it up, the camera appears to work up until it gets to “Name Device”. No matter what name I give it, it says “Operation Failed”. The camera itself confirms setup complete, but without the ability to name it, I cannot make it appear in the account to start using it. Any suggestions?


I am sorry this is happening, we are in the process of fixing this right now. I will post an update when I know the fix is in place.

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Are there any workarounds, even if they’re a bit kludgy? Having the camera appear in my account as a temporarily unchangeable “new camera” once configured would at least let me go on to the next steps; the name is not that important.

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I am having the same issue with video Doorbell v2. Do you guys have to do something manually on your backend for this to work?

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Same issue with new V3 cameras (3 of them).

Oddly enough, I purchased my first V3 yesterday, and it did not have this problem - that’s why I purchased 3 more.

I hope there is a fast solution or else I’ll have to return.

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I bought 2 Cam Pans and they both go through the setup process but will not accept any name. The App locks up and I can’t see my other, older, cameras.

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Can you try it again now, it should be working.

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Do you guys have to do something manually for each person having this issue of not being able to name their device?

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No, we found an issue in the cloud and put the fix in place so it should start working very soon.

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Ahh ok that makes sense too. For those that are stuck at this process, should we close out the App and restart the add device process or should it work from the screen we are stuck on for Name Device?

Thank you for the information!


I would restart the add device process.

I restarted the process and I was able to setup my device. Thank you.

edit: Actually thank you very much. I wasted about 1.5 hours trying to figure this out.


I am sorry it happened but glad we got it figured out fairly quickly.

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Yessir we are back in business. Thank you for the quick help. I didn’t even have time to put the ladder away.


Mine works now, Thanks


Yes - back in business - thanks!


I am current experiencing this issue. I am unable to set my device name. “Operation failed”.

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i am experiencing this right now attempting to add a new OG cam. I have reset the device 4 times. I have ‘completed’ the setup 5 times (always fails on the ‘naming’ page). Might it be best to disconnect completely from the Cam Plus as I have noticed several issues with my Wyze ‘service’ since making that purchase?


I am having this problem with the doorbell pro. It won’t allow me to name it. I’ve reset it several times.

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Trying to setup up OG but says operation failed when trying to name

Submitted a log

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