My wyze pan cam v3 keeps disconnecting!

I tried to submit 3 logs today from the app and it wouldn’t submit after I clicked on the submit button.

Just found this thread. I have 3 WPCv3’s that have been running flawlessly. One for a year. 1 for 6 months, and another for a few weeks.

I just bought 3 more the other day and they all had problems with losing connection after a few minutes. I tried one after the other and they all did it with the error message "Your device has lost its connection. Please check your internet connection or try moving the device closer to your Wi-Fi router. "

Then I started trying different power supplies, and different houses/networks etc and the thing that finally resolved it was changing to a different SD card (or no SD). I know some said above that no SD card didn’t resolve so they may have a different issue, but for mine, for whatever reason it did not like that paticular “Micro Center” discount SD card…even though I replaced it with an identical one. I did not try formatting it because it didnt seem to even recognize the card was in there.

OK - just reduced the motor panning speed. Hoping this helps – 3 V3 Pan cams later and messing with all the offline and power restarts to reset the cameras that are located 35ft in the air. The electrical outlet literally within 10 inches of the camera. and the wifi signal is 2 of 3 bars on the Pan V3 yet on the Cam V3 - 10inches away the wifi signal is 3 bars. I do believe it is the voltage flux issue as others suggest. Using a shorter power cord seems to help also – shorter than the one that comes with the unit upon purchase. This really needs to be worked out by Wyze and acknowledged in an appropriate way.

My two Cam Pan V3 have always lost connection, and both only show two bars of signal strength even if I put them three feet from the router. I had to put a timer plug on both of them so at least I don’t manually have to power cycle them as they are mounted from my garage ceiling. They still drop connection about once or twice a week but I’m not climbing a ladder to power cycle them. The timer is set to power off at midnight and back on 5 minutes later.

I first noticed this problem with the last update.

i am having the same issue, with the V3, but not with my V2. The V2 is solid, but my V3 is DAILY going off line. What I am sensing is that movement of the camera is putting stress on the connection, whereby electrical contact is being lost. I tried multiple cords, and the camera each time will come back on line when I push the cord in more firmly. I gave up on the V3, and ordered a refurbished V2, which should arrive tomorrow. I’m pretty much finished with the V3.

This issue has been plaguing me for 6 months (along with wife plaguing me with comments about spending money on a brick that doesn’t work).

The first 2 weeks I had the Camera it worked perfect, then it just … stopped. The camera itself was running perfect and recording to SD card along with tracking movement, but after any power cycle it would drop wifi within 5 minutes and never reconnect.

The app shows 3 bars signal so it shouldn’t be wifi issue.

I’ve tried most the things others said worked for them, like changing motor speed, changing coord, changing power adapter, keeping camera beside the router, none of it made a difference… 5 minutes and offline.

Just installed the latest firmware, and removed the SD Card (Sandisk Extreme 256GB, same card used in regular V3’s) and so far it’s stayed online for the last hour, so keeping fingers crossed and will try putting SD Card back in a few hours if it continues to keep running.

Lasted 12 hours, put the SD card back in and died in minutes again, so definitely looks writing to the SD is the culprit in my case.

I have also problem with my pan v3 going off line.

I suggest everyone to sign this petition.

Tried the same two weeks ago after reading your post …been online ever since … definitely an issue with the card … was going to reformat and try it again but haven’t got around to it. Plus cards are cheap enough I’m just going to try a new one …

It’s not “definitely” an issue with something because yours is working now. Plenty of people experience the issue with multiple cards or without using a card at all.

It’s only working without the card … I put the card in and the problem returns … At least with me …

That sounds like a different issue - it may result in the same problem (connectivity issues) but isn’t the cause of what most are experiencing. There’s something the cameras don’t like with the standard consumer routers that most people have.

I actually managed to fix the problem - I built an OPNsense router using a dual-nic N100 Mini PC, and then put two Unifi access points throughout my house. Haven’t had the problem since.

For everybody else with this issue - how many wireless devices would you say you have in your home? Are you using just a standard wireless router? The one metric the manufacturers don’t tell you is the limit of the radio. Most people assume they can use as many devices as there are IPs for in their subnet, which is true on wired LANs, but not necessarily on Wifi. I think what’s happening is the device count of homes has gradually increased, and as certain devices connect (some smart devices aren’t sending/receiving data 24/7 and sort of “check in” every now and then) others are pushed off.

This is still an issue on Wyze’s end - the cameras are definitely unable to re-establish their wifi connections. I don’t know if this is all of the time, or if the connection fails the first time it never tries again, but my issue has been solved since going to dual APs, effectively doubling the wireless device count of the house so that the cameras never disconnect in the first place.

So yes, this issue is something Wyze needs to fix, but it’s something you can avoid yourself by increasing your AP count. If you use a standard router, you can see if it supports adding an additional access point. Asus routers have “AI Mesh” for instance.

I also have a Cam Pan V3 since last august with similar issues. It is mounted about 20’ high on my garage eave, and about 20-25 feet from my router. It randomly goes off line and usually have to power cycle to get it back. Now, that is BIG PITA if I’m out of town. No one in the house to do that. Also, lately I’ve noticed that it comes back online by itself without me doing anything to it…just left it alone.
I also have another random occurrence of the 360 pan getting stuck, with only the tilt working. Seems so far to fix itself with or without power off/on.
Recently upgrading firmware resulted in it failing and camera completely offline—power cycle didn’t fix it. I was told by TS to take it down–another PITA since its mounted high up and difficult to do in the cold weather, and do a upgrade without microSD in it, or if that doesn’t work, reset to factory settings etc. I left it alone for a while, then I just did power recycle and it came on; took a chance to upgrade firmware and it did.
The Cam Pan V3 in my experience is very unpredictable, erratic behaving and untrustable as opposed to the Cam V3 I have which is far more stable and reliable.

I think the Cam Pan V3 design has flaws and bugs, unproven reliability. I wonder if the price of it being about the same as the V3( with no pan & tilt) is not as good.

The Cam V3 made me a strong believer but the Cam Pan V3 has poked a big hole draining that feeling. I have Tend Secure indoor camera also–never had any issues with it for over 7-8 years I have it working.

This is so [Mod Edit]. I just got 2 Pan V3 cams since I have two V3 cams working flawlessly. But these Pan V3 keep disconnecting after 20 secs of panning. And the FW is not the issue. I tested one Pan V3 wihout updating, the other is up to date. Both are failing out of the box.
While my other V3 Pro cams are working fine, So my network is not the issue. Even Testing them right next to the Switches!
So fix your cams Wyze!

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

How are you powering the cameras? Have you contacted Support about this yet? This is mainly a user community, and official support requests should go through Wyze Support.

How? With its AC adapter to a 110v connector, like every cam.

The supplied power brick and USB cable? Or did you use a different power supply and/or USB cable?

I also use Wyze supplied power adapter and USB cable. Never had any issue with my Cam V3 even using an extended USB cable. The USB cable is just a power cable, not a data exchange cable.

Not a lot of folks have, but lots of folks have had problems with powering a pan v3 with the wrong power supply and /or cable. The V3 and the pan v3 have different power requirements.