My wyze pan cam v3 keeps disconnecting!

I figured out why my camera kept disconnecting and acting strange. After spending a day trying to find the problem, I discovered it was because of low voltage. If you’re using a cable longer than 10 feet, you should check the voltage to ensure it’s at least 5V. Longer cables create resistance and can lower the voltage below 5V, causing the camera to malfunction. The best way to test this is by using the original cable. If the camera works fine with it, then the issue is likely due to the cable being too long.


Been following this thread, hoping for solution to Wyze pan, cam disconnecting itself from Wi-Fi. Exact same situation as the rest of you. If I unplug the cable, plug it back in, the Wi-Fi reconnect. BTW, same as you are, the camera continues, moving and scanning The whole time but I can’t get any images over Wi-Fi. And I don’t know how to assign the camera to connect directly to my router instead of an extender. Hoping that wise comes up with a solution and posts it here. It IS on a longer cable, but the regular v1 cams on the same line never have problems.

Regular V1 cams had no motors drawing additional amps from the power adapter. They are fed by a 1 Amp Power Adapter and have a considerably lower Power Draw Demand.

The PanV3 is much more succeptible to long run USB Power Loss because it has a higher Power Draw Demand to run the motors. It is fed by a 2 Amp Power Adapter.

When the Motors Run, the increased Amp draw on the line will cause a decrease in Voltage delivered to the cam. That decrease in Voltage will affect other components in the cam before the motors. The WiFi Antenna being one of the first to fail due to low voltage causing a loss in connection, especially when the motors are active. If your long run USB is already dropping voltage because of length and wire quality, the additional drop when the motors run is too much Voltage loss for the cam to continue to operate effectively.

I have the exact same problem. I have 7 v3 cameras and 6 v3 pan cameras. Everyday I have to unplug the power from each of my v3 pan cameras because they go offline. 3 days ago I called wyze support and they told me to delete each of the cameras off the wyze app and re add each of them. That worked for 3 days, today my v3 pan cameras are down again. I’m really frustrated with this situation and I can’t find any solutions.
My other Wyze Cameras are working perfectly just the v3 pan are the one with problems

My ISP is xfinity and my speed is 2gig down 200Mbps Up

The question is, how can wyze fix this issue for all of us?

How are you powering the v3 pans? What power brick and what are their outputs? And what cable are you using? Those are you internet speed, what about your wifi specs?

I am using the wyze power adapter and wyze USB power cable. My wifi speed is depends wifi 6e wifi speed is 1300Mbps 5GHz 800Mbps 2.4GHz 90Mbps

To many people with the same problem it’s definitely something wrong with v3 pan

I had a similar issue. I assume you’re at the point of trying anything, so I ask you to humor me and try to report back. Because I am curious what your results will be. On the PAN V3’s, go into the advanced settings and turn down the motor speed to the lowest setting of 1. Set all your PAN V3’s this way. Ever since I did this, my Pan V3 have not went down like they use to. I assume and have read the motors do not have any separate drivers to run them. So my suspicion is the device has power draw issues. Or something in how it regulates the power. If I turn the motors back up, even if I am not using then, they will begin dropping out again. Are your cameras being left stationary or are they regularly being used? Just curious.

I’ve also noticed a lot of Wyze cameras seem to have issues with power/interference in other regards. For example, there have been times I have seen peoples cameras go out due to a heater/motor kicking on. Just food for thought.

Happy to report that my v3 pancam has been working for well over a week or more after I posted about the internet drop out problems. I just let it be, mainly b/c there was nothing I could do, and then it just started to work full time. I can view via my smartphone at any time now……so all good.

OK done. 5 of my 6 pan are in rotate speed 1 will see if that make any difference. All my cameras are stationary track motion is disabled.

I also try to move 4 of my cameras close to my router (Xfinity XB8) around 10 feet no wall between the router and the cameras but still go offline

Thank you for helping out

I am reporting that 3 days my pan v3 did not go offline after I changed rotate speed to 1


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If you remember and don’t mind. I’d love for you to report back after more time. I know I said read power issues, but it was actually a video if I recall of a tear down of the PAN V3 where there were no separate drivers for the motors. Too much to explain, but for a variety of reasons I suspected power issues since I believe the radio for the Wi-Fi is drawing from the same pool of available power. Seen issues like this in other products. But all I have to go on was my anecdotal experience. My point is I would love to hear if other people continue to find they have less issues by turning the motor power down.

After working for well over a week it now seems that I cannot move the camera remotely at all. And the sd card isn’t working and not recognized. Detection zone is off and is unable to be turned on….

Restarted cam and no change….

I’ll have to manually remove sd card at some point this weekend and see if that effects it…

I am having the same issue My pan cam v3 is directly under the my Xfinity pod and have a v3 directly across the garage door and only the pan cam v3 drops have perform all the suggested fixes and it still is dropping sent logs no response

Sending a log is the first part of the process. Then as stated in the screen where your log number was shown, it also says that you need to contact Support for follow up and tell them the log number. Ex:

If you don’t follow through and contact Support then the log is in limbo with no way to reference it.

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Well bad news, after the pan working well for many days all went offline at the same time. Only the pan v3 the other wyze cameras never go offline.

Definitely something is wrong with this cameras and Wyze need to do something

Please anyone from Wyze need to say something here in this forum.

We need to create a petition for all of us to sign, so wyze can issue a recall on these cameras. I have 6, pan v3 cameras and my only solution was to purchase 6 tp-link Kasa Smart Plug Power Strips and connect my cameras to them. When my cameras go down, I can turn the power strip off and on remotely so my cameras go back online.

Each smart strip cost me $25 x 6 = $150.

But again to many people with the same problem and Wyze need to take responsibility and fix it.

Here is the petition. Wyze need to replace or fix this cameras.

The Pan V3 disconnection issue is being addressed in Fix It Friday here:

Fix-It Friday - 12/1/2023 - #29 by WyzeJasonJ

I realize many of you have already submitted logs, but please continue to do so.

MOD NOTE: Several threads on this subject have been consolidated into this topic to keep the discussion in one place.


I have a smart plug on every single camera connected to HA so if we need to check on my grandmother we can power cycle them if they’re down. It’s ridiculous, it’s been months of the cameras being straight up unusable. It’s at the point that they should be offering refunds.

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I hate to do this as a temp result because wyze needs to fix these issues but thanks for sharing as an option.