Recently I have purchased Wyze’s new cordless vacuum. Ever since this product was announced, i’ve been dying to try it out. After a few months, I finally got the chance to purchase it. Heres some of my thoughts on the product so far.
If anyone has any questions or want me to try something out, let me know!
The quality of the product is really good for the price. Its very sturdy with no loose parts at all. All the accessories click in place with no problems.
The suction of this vacuum is WAY better than I thought. On high, the suction is pretty powerful and cleans up heavier objects with no problem. On medium, the vacuum can overall suck up everything I need it too. On the low setting, I found it to not be very helpful. The medium setting is what i’ve been using the most.
On hard floors, the vacuum has no problem moving and picking things up, but on carpets, the vacuum struggles A LOT. Even on the lowest carpet, I struggle to move the vacuum around. On medium/higher carpets, the vacuum is almost impossible to move. The vacuum also has a whistle sound when moving around on carpets which gets annoying at times.
Battery Life
In short, the battery lasts long enough for quick sessions, but for longer sessions, you’re definitely gonna need to purchase an additional battery. Putting the vacuum on low to save battery life is not worth it, and I only recommend the higher setting for REALLY difficult small spots to clean. The setting will drain the battery very fast.
The accessories included are all very useful. The charging dock is okay, its not the best, but its not the worst. Having to plug in the vacuum kinda sucks, but after awhile its not that big of a deal. The lights on the vacuum head are really useful, I just wish there was an option to turn it off when I don’t need them.
Other Comments
When using the vacuum, it produces a strong plastic smell. So far it hasn’t gone away. I personally don’t mind it as it has a “new” kind of smell to it, but if you’re sensitive to certain smells, this vacuum might not be the best for you.
Emptying the vacuum is easy, although there have been lots of complaints of a gasket ring falling out, so I do not recommend slamming the bin door against anything so it wont fall off and get lost. This problem hasn’t happened to me “yet”.
Overall, I have been really enjoying the new Wyze Cordless vacuum. If you cannot afford a Dyson vacuum, I personally think this is the best option out there. Its cheap, does most jobs, looks really nice, and is built really sturdy with nice materials. If you can afford a Dyson vacuum, this product is not for you. The Dyson Vacuums are easily better in suction and build quality. But for people who can’t throw hundreds of dollars on a vacuum, the Wyze Cordless vacuum is the best option out there. If you have a house with ALL carpets, I do not recommend this vacuum to you at all.
Suggestions for Wyze
If Wyze improved the vacuum head to offer a little more space between the ground, it would DRAMATICALLY improve the product. I also really hope Wyze will offer a soft roller vacuum head accessory in the future as well.