Since the app update where animated thumbnails were added to the push notifications, I receive multiple notification sounds and vibrations for each event. This usually manifests as a single notification sound followed by another sound a second or so after. I’ve watched it closely, and it seems that I get the notification when the first thumbnail is loaded, and a second notification when the next thumbnail is loaded.
Wyze Cam 3. Firmware ( is up to date, app is up to date. I’ve removed, rebooted, and reloaded the app twice with no impact. Looking at the Wyze notification settings (Settings->Notifications->App Notifications->Wyze), I have two sets of notifications, both labeled ‘WyzeMessage’. Shutting off one of those notifications has no impact. Also, before I deleted the app for the first time, I noticed four or five ‘WyzeMessage’ notification toggles in the same location.
I suspect this is going to involve some back-end work. Your mention of a potential timing association with the appearance of animated notification images reminds me of a recent issue with notification stacking on some Android devices, and Wyze supposedly rolled back a change to fix that issue. If you poke around in the Forum, you’ll see other reports of duplicate notifications in recent months, as well.[1][2]
I think that was a reasonable thing to try. I also think Wyze does a lot of back-end tinkering that they don’t announce or document publicly, and I’m not aware of much we can do as end users aside from trying to share our experiences about it, submitting logs from the app whenever we can replicate an issue, and then following that up by opening a ticket that includes the Log ID in order to try to get the issues on the engineers’ radar.
This issue seems to have manifested when the stacking issue was rearing its head. I would say that it’s as if they resolved the visual issue, but not the audio and vibration component. I was actually monitoring that thread at the time.
For my clarification, are you suggesting the best path towards resolution is to open a ticket in order for this issue to find its way in front of the dev team?
I think raising these issues—and especially contributing to existing topics—in the Forum is useful, too, because that helps to promote awareness of a problem and sometimes Wyze employees will take notice and chime in on those, as well.