Mount kit options for Wyze cam outdoor?

Hello, @wyz312 and All Others.
Here are my thoughts about a non-drilling camera mount to a brick wall. In a big- box, building supply store, buy a small piece of sheet aluminum about 1/32" to 1/16" thick. Cut the piece of sheet aluminum to 4"x6" or leave it larger. Attach this piece of trimmed aluminum to the brick wall with Liquid Nails (which can be bought in small tubes). After the Liquid Nails sets up attached the camera’s base to the aluminum plate with 3M VHB tape, It can be used outdoors. Also, the exposed aluminum can be painted a matching or complementary color.

In regards to the protective hood for the camera maybe consider you or a friend drawing up a print file for the Outdoor camera. A local library that has 3D print classes may be able to connect you with a student in the class to help you. It would look similar to the photos below for the V3:

Below are pictured some suggestions for various mounts. All of the mounts require some DIY efforts and can be adapted for the Outdoor camera:

There are a lot of ways to mount cameras.
