I’ve set up two motion sensors. One of them has been set up for about two weeks and works most of the time, though when it works it takes so long for my lights to come on that sometimes I don’t need them anymore.
I’ve been working with the second one all day today. It worked twice, now it doesn’t work at all.
I removed it from the app and started over from scratch.
I swear this is the last Wyse product that I am going to buy. I am constantly frustrated. I don’t even want to deal with Wyze support again.
Removing it from the app and start over from scratch is a good start. Another is to pull the battery out, then put it back in.
Yes, there are several threads on/like this problem in the forum. You can find them w/the manifing glass top right of this page, type in “Motion Sensor”.
If you click on the following thread there are several more. Hope this helps!