Modification of Adjustable Through Window Support with a Glare Shield Box

In my previous post “Adjustable Through Window Support with a Glare Shield Box” I received a comment on how unattractive it looked on the window. To me, a box is not inherently unattractive or ugly and I admit that my implementation of a box glare shield had room for improvement. I refer you to the post quoted above to see how the “adjustable” camera part is implemented.

Below is a picture of the original shield box I made.

Below is a picture of how my modifications affect its appearance. Definitely not cluttered-looking. A light coat of grey spray paint may give it a more neutral less obtrusive appearance.

I have been experimenting with using cloth as a light shield and find a way to use it in a somewhat compact window-mounted, aim-adjustable unit.

The light-blocking cloth I will use is WUJI LP SATIN SOLID BLACK from the JOANN fabric store.
This is a thin lightweight material that really blocks light. In the store, I held up a single layer of it to see if it would block the overhead lights. Not a glimmer came through. It was $7.99 for a square yard.
