Minimum size SD Card to view last 48 hours?

Not if there is enough light in the local area (yard light, perhaps) to make the normal daytime starlight sensor work effectively. Try switching from Night Vision (B&W) to normal daytime starlight sensor (color) at night to determine what works best for you. I prefer the starlight sensor, as most people do who live in suburbs.

As an example of a difference, my jet black winter coat reflects IR so well it appears white in night vision. Contrast telling the cops that a guy in a white coat just tried to break into your house with telling them it was really a person in a black coat (or red or whatever), which the starlight sensor would have told you if there is enough local light.

If you are signed up for Cam Plus Lite, it will also provide person detection on a V3.

If you are sharing your camera, the only way at this time to bar shared users from turning the camera back on is a smart Plug at the wall outlet.

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