MFP doing what he does-Nothing

Yeah that’s MFP. Sometimes he just sits there like he is in a trance . :laughing:

Some bohemian bourgeoisie pay big money to achieve that state. :slight_smile:



I see the resemblance :rofl:

MFP working in the fog.


MFP never looks like he’s happy or smiling, and yes, some cats do look happy sometimes. He’s always so straight face and serious.

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I’ll bring him back some :turkey: tonight, maybe that will make him :smiley_cat:

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I put out a good :turkey: snack for MFP tonight. The problem is Weeds & Water is a first come first served Low-Class Diner. His schedule has become erratic so if he is doesn’t show up soon either Josina Philomena Possum or the :raccoon: (s) will get it. ?


MFP doesn’t mind sharing if the price is right.

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MFP was the first in line. He arrived 4 minutes after I put it out. This is a small version from one of 84 MFP videos having dinner, There were a lot of 4 and 5 minute videos. At least he washed his paws after dinner. His friend showed up later for leftovers.

Another MFP employee.


His friend is so pretty

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His friend has a faux :raccoon: tail.
Just a short version of a 2 minute 9 second video.


Maybe he’s a double agent.

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MFP probably thinks the M in MFP means something like “Mobster”

Maybe he thinks you’re calling him:

  • Mobster Fancy Pants
  • Mob Boss Furry
  • Mafia’s Fearsome Paw
  • Mob’s Finest Paws

or something like that. He sure seems to ACT like he thinks that’s what his name means.

Mucky [flippin’] Pup[1]!

  1. Mucky Pup is the real band that recorded this song by the fictional Billy and the Boingers. The Harry Pitts Band cut “I’m a Boinger”. ↩︎

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More like Master Freeloading Practitioner .
He’s unionized all the other neighborhood cats and sends them here also.


As long as you admit he’s the master of your whole property and all life that sets for there, he’s okay with being called freeloader. Most nobles throughout history were basically the same… They didn’t have to do much real work but certainly were rich and claimed to own all the land and took from the underlings who set foot on their land and cultivated it. They would eat the food produced by others instead of farming it themselves. MFP is doing the same with you. He’s just a Noble and you are basically paying him to live there.

Also, if you want to lean his kung Fu skills (as demonstrated on the :raccoon: gang) he can be your master there too.

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The Grand Poohbah of Weeds & Water. :crown: :laughing:

Self proclaimed king of dark alleys :rofl: