MFP and the bone

Playing with his food again. One of 38 MFP event videos from last night. :frowning_face:


Ever see The Revenant?   (I’ll bet you have. )  Di Caprio is a big weasel in ‘real life’ but he’s become quite the actor, imo. The film itself is masterful. Made by a Mexican jazz musician. :wink:

MFP is such a camera hog, you should trundle him off to a commercial audition or two. Find a company to make him an indentured servant, get him out of your hair. :haircut_woman:

He’s already started today with six new events. :sob:

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Maybe you already told us, but what are his ‘people’ like?

I have no idea. He arrives from the North, over the fence which is in my backyard, makes a right turn to the East side of my house where he stops and fills up on water. Then he goes under the fence gate, across the street and heads South. In the evenings he comes back and hangs around here for hours either by the water containers or on my back deck. eventually he goes back over the fence and heads North again. I would love to put a Pet GPS tag on him and see how many miles he roams in a 24 hour period. We need CAT Man @carverofchoice to analyse the weirdo cat. :smirk_cat:

The :raccoon: gang found the bone and took it home.


He’s just the most loyal critter Antonius has. Loyalty is being misinterpreted as weirdo because none of your other critters have the trait.

I just barely watched that for the first time a few weeks ago. They definitely took a lot of artistic liberty to change the real history, but it was still interesting.

The :raccoon: Clan has been coming here since April 1986 from their Storm drain fort and the possums haven’t missed a night in years. MFP is in third place unless you are counting the time he spends camped out here, then he is in First Place. :grin:

This is the way.

Meaning ‘split attention?’ Or?

Probably. I have ADHD, Therefore, I guess I basically never watch ANYTHING with full attention.

Also, I can often watch something with “split attention” and get more from it than a lot of people giving it their “full attention” anyway. :joy: Some parts are just too slow to sit and do nothing but watch, which is particularly the case with that movie which was really slow and dragged out in some places, so I’m almost certain I was doing something else at the same time, though I don’t remember what…I was paying too much attention to the movie. :joy:

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You’re a screwball. :hugs:

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That’s the main reason you like talking with me though!


Nested vortices with a whimsical twist! :+1:

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‘Cat’ and ‘bone’… match!

It’s a playlist of the whole album you can ‘next’ through if you have ADHD. :laughing: