MFP Drinks too much

How can he drink water for 15 minutes? :astonished: MFP :camel: was here drinking water from 9:01 PM until 9:16 PM. He just changed sides of the container to drink from.


He might have diabetes :thinking:

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Or got poisoned. :cry:

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I might be wrong, but he also looks old or in bad health or both.

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Maybe to much traveling.

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Maybe he doesnā€™t get clean water very often.

I have and older cat with bad kidneys. He will often drink from a running faucet for 13 minutes at a time. If this is the case, the cat needs medical care.

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That may be. He is not my cat, not sociable and I donā€™t know where he lives if anyplace?

Cats are not sociable by nature especially with strangers. Looks like a stray to me.

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I never tried using my tongue to lap up water. I could imagine the tranfer quanity and rate would be low and slow.

All thee other critters drink the same way. Maybe I should leave a straw out for MFP. :grin:

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Yep, I was just coming to say a lot of what you saidā€¦most cats that donā€™t die from trauma (cars, predators, mean humans) die from Chronic Kidney Disease as they get older (itā€™s genetic). Itā€™s really common. And MFP looks really old. He almost definitely has kidney issues. This would explain his excessive drinking time. Poor little guy.

He could also be diabetic.

Jeez, what a negative lot of doomsayers.
From the clips that cat shows no signs of illness.
Individual cats have their own way of doing things. Some take ages to drink water, others donā€™t.
Some are sociable, some arenā€™t.
Yes, many cats die of organ failure, due to the toxins in commercial cat food.

Respect to you for caring @Antonius

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Huh, this might be the first time anyone has ever doubted my love for cats before, or implied I donā€™t like MFP. :thinking:

For what itā€™s worth I currently have 5 cats. I have had at least 11 cats. All this despite having severe allergies to cats and being told by doctors to get rid of them. On the Allergen Inhalant Panel an IgE score of 3.91-19.00 is considered Level 4 ā€œVERY HIGHā€ allergy to something, and I scored a 99.70 for Cat Dander. And despite that, I have gotten more cats since that test and I still have 5 cats and wonā€™t get rid of them and when the ones I have pass away I will get more and that doesnā€™t take into account the hurt strays we have helped, etc. So I have a good case to make that I love cats more than most people since I kind of make more sacrifices for them than most people. Weā€™ve spent thousands on helping cats. More than 1 in 4 cats have a condition called FCGS which is basically where they are allergic to their own teeth, gums, plaque, etc and have mouth problems. One of our cats had to have the vet remove all his teeth because his immune system kept attacking his teeth and heā€™d refuse to eat because they hurt too much. Others can sometimes manage it with cleaning or medication, but not always. A Stray doesnā€™t have any of those luxuries and this FCGS issue can also be the cause for a cat to take so long drinking.

We were not ā€œhopingā€ MFP is sick or dying. Itā€™s not normal for a cat, especially this cat (who we have all been following and watching for years in posts on here now) to suddenly take 15 minutes to drink. Heā€™s never done that, and most cats donā€™t. Since this is abnormal for him and heā€™s getting so old, weā€™re discussing why heā€™s not acting like his normal self. We werenā€™t hoping there is a problem or wishing bad on him at all. We just know most older cats have kidney problems which could explain his abnormal behavior, and 1 in 4 cats get FCGS issues which also makes them do things like drink slower. We were also expressing empathy/sympathy, which is why I said:

The poor guy weā€™ve been watching on videos here for so long is now having big behavioral shifts. He used to come every single night and now heā€™s suddenly not showing up. Something is not normal for him and his behavior since the day we started following him.

Anyway, hope that helps to clarify. Iā€™m glad youā€™re protective of cats though. Iā€™m a cat lover too. Iā€™m not offended. I just think there may have been some misunderstanding since weā€™ve all been following this little guy for a long time on here. :wink:


One week and he still has no shown up. His normal schedule is to arrive about 5:30 PM and return in 5 or 8 hours later. Sometimes he comes by in the morning or afternoon. I have 6 cameras that follow his adventures so I know I havenā€™t missed him. It has been cold/cool and wet here for a while but that has never deterred him before. I hope he is just taking a vacation. :thinking:


Not a good sign, considering the other behavior changes that go with it. :crying_cat_face:

Iā€™d like to hope that it just means he found a stranger who allows him to come stay inside their house since itā€™s winter-time.

There is an old man neighbor of ours who does that for one of our cats (itā€™s actually our tuxedo cat just like MFP here). Our Tuxedo cat HATES one of his other cat brothers here, so he begs this old man neighbor to let him stay at his house. They called us and asked us if thatā€™s okay and if he has our permission, and we fully gave him permission since heā€™s a kind old guy who is nice to and loves our kitty and it makes our kitty happy. He still comes to see us sometimes, and we will pick him up to groom him, etc since he canā€™t clean himself (heā€™s the toothless one, and cleaning himself hurts his mouth, so we come groom him still). Itā€™s nice to have kind neighbors like that. Hopefull MFP just convinced some family to take pity on him during the winter and let him come inside, so he doesnā€™t have free reign to do his normal rounds/routine. 7 days is a long time for him to not show up all of a sudden.


Such a nice cat story.


I love cat lovers.

Not sure if your post was referring to me, but just want to say I didnā€™t realise people had been following MFP in here. Sorry for barging in mistakenly trying to defend him.
As most of us know many cats like to go off and be on their own when itā€™s time to leave us.
If he has left us itā€™s good to know that any pain or discomfort he was experiencing has gone.


If you get a big mirror for your backyard be sure to share videos with us.