MFP Drinks too much

That’s cruel…

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It would appear that no animal was harmed in the making of the mirror video though.

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I want to know how no mirror was shattered in the making of that video.

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Might have pancooncreas

Still have not seen MFP yet. It finally stopped raining and we had clear blue skies and sunshine today after a morning of frost and ice on the car windows. Rain again tomorrow. :astonished:


:worried: :cry:


I know but it’s cruel to their mental state, not that’s any of your fault :man_shrugging:


Hope he’s (she, we haven’t determined the sex yet) okay.

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MFP is still a no show.I hope he/she has a nice warm home to stay in. The Black and White
:cow2: cat with half a black mustache used to come here every day but then he stopped. He belongs to the people two houses down the street. They took him to the VET to get his :peanuts: cut and he didn’t come around for a long time but now he is back. I think MFP is to old to get “FIXED” male or female.

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Point well taken which I did not think about. I have a full length mirror in my house. When my dog was a puppy he would walk by the mirror. He would look left and then look right at himself like he was trying to decide which was his better side. It was the cutest thing and I wish I had a video of that.

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I thought it was harmless fun. Thanks for sharing.

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I think this is debatable and likely depends a lot on the species and individual animal.

On the one hand, you are right that it could cause confusion and Stress, Fear and anxiety. they may think there is an intruder or enemy present. It obviously led some of them to aggression to defend their territory. So there is a GREAT argument for that.

On the other hand, it might actually be incredibly healthy for them. It can give some curiosity and mental stimulation. New stimuli is incredibly, extremely healthy in most situations, provided there is no actual harm involved. This one fact may make up for any possible negatives. In a controlled environment they have also been able to use mirrors to reduce stress and isolation in animals because it gives them illusion of companionship. Some research has suggested mirrors with animals should actually be used a lot more often. It also sometimes helps some long isolated animals to become conditioned to being okay with others of their kind when they learn the reflection started to calm down and not hurt them, maybe others like that will be okay too…all without having to make higher risk attempts at socialization with other real animals that might injure or kill each other if they aren’t able to be conditioned down first.

Some animals are able to recognize the reflection is actually themselves…particularly primates and Dolphins, but some others do sometimes too.

So yeah, I can see both sides. I think it’s a case by case basis rather than purely black or white.


Challenges are good. It keeps you awake and makes you think.

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If an animal can’t figure out or get used to their reflection… good luck quickly satisfying thirst from standing water. Those animals usually resort to sticking paw in water and licking paw. :disappointed:


Best wishes, MFP. :cat2:

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Still MIA.

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I was hoping we would be wrong about this indicating he was probably suffering big health issues…but for him to go months or years of nearly nightly camping out at the water dish to suddenly not showing up for this long straight means he’s either sick/gone, got trapped somewhere (ie: wandered into someone’s open garage and got caught inside when they shut the door…this happens more than you’d think), hitched a ride on a delivery truck or car (happens more often than you’d think), or adopted a new house quickly.
But with the other bad signs he was showing, it doesn’t look good. Our poor mafia mob boss…he didn’t even back down from greedy racoon thieves when they tried to steal from him. He might not be the prettiest kitty in the world, but he was a king.

And the Boss :laughing:


2nd gen anticoagulant rodenticide. The evil crap should be banned. It kills everything that eats the affected rodents.

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We had cats when I was growing up. Plural. Sometimes one would disappear for a month and then show up. If they found someplace that fed them and let them inside, they had no need to leave.
Cats are not loyal.

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