Message: Siren Battery Running Low

Also reads: Wyze Sense Hub has a low battery

I can’t find anyplace that tells me more, or what I can do to charge or change the battery. There’s a button in the message that reads Check my device, but that takes me to the Device info page which has nothing about battery life. Searches here have come up empty. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

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Weird. “Wyze Sense Hub has a low battery” usually means it is not plugged in. Any chance your power adapter to it is bad? Any ability to check?

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Thanks for your reply. I unplugged the hub and adapter and the hub said “Now running on battery backup” or something like that. I plugged in a known good adapter, and x-ed out the warning in the app, rebooted the app, and the message didn’t return. Using my iPhone, I tested the Wyze USB adapter that I was using with the hub and it seems to work fine. I’ll run the other adapter for a while and see if the low battery message returns.


I had the same problem. I received a “low siren battery” notification prior to having trouble with the hub. I tried resetting, power cycling, removing the hub from the app, resetting my router, etc.

For me, this was fixed by replacing the wall adapter/cube. I didn’t need to replace the cord, but that could also be a problem for folks.

I can’t speak for everyone, but many of my issues for Wyze products have come back to the power adapters. For this problem, I felt pretty dumb for not trying that first because I have replaced multiple Wyze adapters since 2018. I don’t think I have one original Wyze adapter now that I have replaced the hub’s adapter.

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Do you have any power fluctuations in your area? I ask because I used to have freakloads. A contractor simply starting a drill would drop my internet modem offline. But after they re-wired my neighborhood with new underground power cabling, not a problem since! :slightly_smiling_face:


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