Marketing crap designed into the Wyze app

Wyze needs to stop all of the marketing crap designed into the app or these cams are going in the trash. The app interface is bad enough with excessive flipping of screen orientation, excessive paging to do the most basic functions, slow playback from local storage, cluttered with incessant reminders/services/products I don’t want, and now Black consumerism notifications… I’ll buy something when I need to… leave me alone already. You’ve really gone overboard with the app nagging… nobody wants to be pestered every time they go to use their cams. If installing the app is considered license to abuse your customers, then you can count this customer out.

Get the marketing crap out of the app, put it on your website, and I’ll look at it if I need to.



Try TinyCam Pro. It’s great.

Interesting we get no adds,no ,pop-ups, app works just fine,we currently manage and have over 87 Wyze camera system,we see nothing on what you said in your information on the forum with your Wyze app concerns

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Sounds like you have all the marketing in app notifications enabled. Disable those from the account/notification/in app messages menu.

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What are you talking about? I don’t have any such notifications in-app. I get email from Wyze with marketing ads, but that’s it.

you have all the marketing in app notifications enabled. Disable those from the account/notification/in app messages menu,the default is on.

All of mine are set to off
Notifications > In-App, Push, and Text, and yet I still get regular spam from Wyze as notifications on my phone from the app in IOS every few days.
I tried cycling them, but still getting spammed.

Is there more hidden settings somewhere, or is the app broken?

I get them as well…its Christmas time…he’ll I just hit delete, simple…I guess if you don’t want them .go close your wyze account

I will never buy a Wyze cam again. I did an update and now all of my cameras are unuseable. All I get is a frozen screen with an in app purchase for CamPlus. I’ve been in contact with tech support and They have been no help.

We did our updates on all sites with no issues at all

My phone locks on the screen with the ad for Camplus and I am unable to access any of the events because of it.