Is there a way to disable the Wyze app’s marketing messages WITHOUT turning off camera notifications? I just got a message about a blog post via my iOS notifications and I am not happy. I will dump all Wyze products if they start spamming me with marketing messages using the notification mechanism. What [mod edit] were they thinking?
I’m disgusted with this company. Now I understand why the prices are so low for the hardware. I opted out of the email spam but the spam continues through the app. If I can’t find a way to stop it I’m going to pawn off the camera. I tell everyone I know to avoid this company and spend a little more to deal with a legitimate and reputable company that doesn’t try to spam a captive audience.
I’d like to welcome you to the forums and sincerely apologize for the frustration that has been caused by the Wyze Newsletter and/or Wyze Shop notifications. I do understand that unwanted notifications are a hassle, believe me, I don’t like them either!
To turn these off, please follow the following instructions:
Open the Wyze application on your phone
Press the “Account” tab at the bottom right
Press on your nickname/email (this should be right above the “Services” tab)
Under the “Communication” category, toggle the “Wyze Email Newsletter” and “Shop Push Notifications” off.
Sorry to hear you are experiencing the same hassle! Like I directed @victor2, you can turn these notifications off within the application by following the prompts below.
To turn off the Wyze Newsletter and/or Shop Notifications, please follow the following instructions:
Open the Wyze application on your phone
Press the “Account” tab at the bottom right
Press on your nickname/email (this should be right above the “Services” tab)
Under the “Communication” category, toggle the “Wyze Email Newsletter” and “Shop Push Notifications” off.
I do understand your frustration with these notifications and I hope I provided an adequate solution.
Alright, I poked the team about this and we’re aiming to give more user control over these messages in the future. In the meantime, if you send me your Wyze account email in a private message (PLEASE don’t post it publicly in this thread), I can ask the team to remove you from that list so you won’t receive these messages.
I bumped up your user level, so you should now be able to get the message icon when clicking on her Avatar. Sorry I didn’t realize that you were a new user!
Welcome to the Forum community!
I love this company. When Covid hit, this company gave away free camera’s to businesses that had to close, so we could keep an eye out on our property. I tell everyone to consider Wyze first.
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