WYZE Text Message advertisements

I am paying for your service. I don’t care if you are giving your product away; I DO NOT WANT TO RECEIVE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS BY TEXT MESSAGE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. PLEASE STOP!!!

Okay sir, Message received. I don’t mean to sound flippant, but we are just customer/users like yourself. You will not find an employees here that work in customer service that can tweak the settings to opt you out of ads. Sorry. I take no glee in telling you this. Just wanted you to know, before your expectation are blown up.

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Have you gone to the App and then to Account > Notifications > Text Notifications and turned that off? If not, try that


This was my thought, as well.


I turned default text notification sounds to silent. I have tones for family, friends and doctors. Since I have unlimited texts, I cleanup whenever I find an odd text that I didn’t hear.

Also, if you aren’t in my phonebook, please leave a voicemail.

SPAM happens. This is meant as a tip.

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Show me the screenshot of what you received. I can help with this.


They are not “text messages”. They are app notifications controlled in the app settings.

As @WyzeMatt asked, can you take a screen shot of one of the messages you are seeing and post it here. This will allow the community and @WyzeMatt to see what is going on.


I responded to WyzeMatt’s request early this morning. I don’t know why it didn’t post.

I have 16 cameras (total) in two locations. In one location, (the one I am not at) the community has had some recent issues with burglary. I am currently in a hands free state. When I saw Wyze, I pulled over to see what the Wyze notification text was. Needless to say, I was not happy.
Here it is.


WYZE: Battery Cam Pro 2pks are selling fast.

Save $130 for Labor Day while supplies last.

Shop here >>> Wyze Battery Cam Pro | 2.5K Wireless Outdoor Cam, Works w/Solar Panel – Wyze Labs, Inc.

If you reply STOP to the text message it should pull you out of these until you sign up again. Don’t ever wanna spam customers that have no interest in these sorts of marketing pushes.


I don’t want to stop all text notifications, just the ads. I don’t remember getting a text advertisement from Wyze in the past.

Most of my cameras were purchased on some sort of Wyze promotion, so please keep them coming, just not by text. Send all the emails you vc want!

Thank you for the help. I heading to the text that was sent me to type STOP right now.

Again, Thank you for the help.

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