Make a Simple Dog-Leg Camera Bracket No math no trig no vectors no protractors no calculations

In some of my past posts about camera support brackets, some of the brackets have been of the bent dog-leg type. I did not provide any instructions on how to make them. The brackets are a single piece of material cut in the shape of a dog-leg and then bent to a compound angle to achieve a specified vertical and sideway aiming point for the camera. An engineer-type person would probably solve this problem with vector math or trigonometry.
I am going to show you a what-you-see-is-what-you-get-approach. You will only need basic craft tools.

The next 12 pictures describe in detail how to make a dog-leg camera bracket.

2 Level

In picture 9, I bent the 1/8" thick polycarbonate with a 3.5" door hinge in a vise. A sheet metal fabrication shop could also bend it for you. This plastic is tough. It can be bent into a u-shape flat up against itself without breaking. Or you could use thicker material and use compound miter cuts to assemble the bracket parts with glue. That is going to be my next post.

11 Dog-Leg Fold

As you can see, this is a very simple-looking camera support system.

Victor Maletic.


Hello All and @dr.know.

I have recently submitted a post that shows a simple way to gather the actual horizontal and vertical camera aim angles. These angles are to be used with a spreadsheet that I will provide, The spreadsheet will present a list of layout coordinates and a plot with all corners labeled with their respective X and Y values. To obtain this layout information you only need to input the angle values (from the jig) and camera geometry (height, width, etc.) information already in the spreadsheet.

Here is the link to the recent post:
Camera Aim Angle Measurement, Mostly Cardboard, tape, and a protractor Jig

Below are some pictures of what my spreadsheet layout data allowed me to make.


Hello @carverofchoice and All.
In the above posts I mention providing a link to a spreadsheet that requires the user to specify the horizontal and vertical aim angles wanted for the camera support bracket that will be 3D printed. This spreadsheet generates the programing code needed to print the camera holder and how to copy it to an STL file of your name choice.
This spreadsheeet has pictures of a printed DogLeg camera support bracket along with a lot of explanations.

Here is the link: DogLeg 3D Standup w Hole

Anyone is free to use this spreadsheet as they see fit. Even sell printed items to others.

My charge for this is 1 like.

If you have questions about the spreadsheet PM me [Mod Edit: phone number removed for privacy]

Till later Victor.


You do a lot of really great technical work. My brother was recently asking about different window mount options and I sent him some of your files. I stumbled across this post too while I was looking up stuff for him. That you have shared so much of what you figured out is highly appreciated by many more people that see here. We love that you are here and how generous you are buddy. :+1:


@victormaletic, we need a special “Engineering Genius” tag for all your posts! Tips & Tricks just doesn’t rise to the level needed to categorize what you are sharing.

Or at least an “Engineering Genius” badge for your Avatar.


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