Greetings all.
I have recently migrated most of my sensors including the v1 motion sense detectors over from being under the control of a bridge attached to a v2 camera to the wyze hms hub.
All good, except on four of these sense motion detectors,… Located in different places. But they will report low battery even though I’ve changed the batteries (3X each with different brands), deleted and installed these sensors onto the HMS hub, all without success. I get tricked into thinking that it is operating fine, then minutes later, the low battery warning comes back…
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? The V1 sense door/window sensors seem to be operating fine, but these four motion sensors are acting weird… (I have other sense motion sensors that was migrated over to the hub as well and those are working fine (for automation purposes.)
My next step was to pair these four back to a camera with a bridge to see if they are triggering low battery warning… but wanted to leave them on the HMS hub so that I can remove all the bridges…
Thanks in advance!
I migrated v1 motion and contact sensors over to my HMS hub 3 weeks ago. No low battery warnings or any other problems with the v1 sensors. I don’t think there are many of us out here yet with v1 sensors linked to the new hub.
Peculiar… I can’t figure out why just these are having the low battery warning issue.
I’m going to move these back over to a V2 camera with bridge and see if the message appears again…
I’ll be curious to fin out as more and more people do the migration over control of the V1 sensors to be under the HMS hub…
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[Holds up hand]
I only added one V1 motion sensor, but I have been getting battery warnings from it. I put a brand-new battery in it when I added it too. I just pulled the battery out and measured 3.15V. That should be good. While I had it out I reseated it to make sure it was making contact. We’ll see how it goes…
I too also checked the voltage of the “old” batteries and of the new replacement batteries just to be safe as well… But there is something in the way the HMS hub/app is interpreting the voltage drop… Because I’ve noticed that for the most part, once I remove the battery, wait a minute, and then re-install battery, I do not see the visual red battery icon on the top left of that motion sensor… But then shortly afterwards, if someone walks by and trips the sense motion sensor, the low battery warning will come back… How odd…
I have re-associated these v1 sense motion sensors back with a V2 camera and bridge… And so far, so good… no low battery warnings…
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Yes, I too think there may be a firmware issue with the new Sense Hub. I haven’t experienced a battery warning since I reseated, but I expect it will start again soon. When it does I will get details and submit a log.
Sounds like a plan… I am leaving the few that I am seeing the low battery issues on connected to a bridge… And after a few days if there is no more low battery issues being attached to a bridge, then I’ll move them back over to the HMS hub and submit a log if the low battery message returns…
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Sounds good! I’m going to add to the log what the Hub reports as the battery condition, and what the battery measures using my voltmeter.
So far so good on the battery reseat on my V1 Motion Sensor. I reseated it, and it was good for several days indoors while watching me move between rooms. Then I put it back outdoors, and BANG a battery warning. I reseated the battery again (actually re-bent a contact a bit) and it has been good again since.
I suspect the colder outdoors caused some contraction on the battery contacts, dropping the voltage slightly. Also, maybe, just maybe, one of the 2 firmwares is too sensitive to voltage changes. I will measure the battery voltage if it happens again to see if that voltage theory is possible.
BTW, if you try rebending contacts, know the contacts are spring steel and NOT very happy to change to a new position. If you try anything but being VERY gentile, expect the contact to snap off. That would disable your sensor permanently, so be VERY careful (or just don’t touch them!)
I am familiar with the squeezing of the contacts to ensure a more tight hold of the battery.(And yes, that has happened to me where the contact in the battery compartment has fallen off after squeezing it… Ever since then, I’ve been much more careful when I squeeze those metal contacts… )
Unfortunately, i’ve tried reseating the battery all of these V1 motion sensors but no joy… I’ve placed all of the sensor back onto a bridge with the older V2 cameras and they seems to be good there…(No low battery warning, and the sensor behaves normally)… But when I deleted one of the the sensors, and added it to the HMS hub… It’ll usually take under an hour or so for it to start reporting a low battery error… Strange…
At this point, I could just leave that sensor with the old V2 camera and bridge since its happy there… Of the three, I’ve only experimented with one of them… (moving back and forth on the hubs… The other two sensors, I’ve )