About 3 weeks ago, I lost all my cameras and devices on my Wyze app. Support could only tell me to re-install them all back into the App.
Since then my Wyze Cam Outdoor v1 cannot get reconnected. The base tells me it’s already registered. Support tells me I need to delete the base from the App before I can register it to myself AGAIN. I explained that I cannot delete what isn’t there.
After 3 weeks of going round and round, they now tell me I just need to purchase a new setup.
I’m frustrated as there isn’t anything wrong with the camera and in fact it was the app losing all my devices that caused this.
Anyone have suggestions on what I can do?
Do you have a Support Ticket when you called into Wyze, if so, can you post it here?
Also, when you had the issue, did you change your logon info or did some update? Normally, I would tell individuals to uninstall the app and install it again. Or you could log out of the app and the log backin after rebooting your phone.
The ticket # for my devices being gone and then the base station issues with my outdoor camera is 3741782
I’ve done everything that was indicated and then had to reinstall the app and all my devices into the app.
Now, I’m being told that I will need to purchase new equipment due to this issue when nothing is wrong with the equipment. Just can’t register the base. My husband can still access this camera without issues.
Are you a shared user and your husband is the primary?
What happens if you sign into your phone with his account?
Curious as if your husband is a primary user then he can remove the base using his account.
I just shared the camera with him so he cannot even see the base station.
ok, thanks.
Can you try to logon as you on his phone? Trying to eliminate your phone or device from the equation.
In the meantime, I am trying to see if any other Mods or Mavens have other options to Try.
Very interesting. I have 2 different email addresses associated with my account from ordering thru the app and ordering from my email.
Logging in on my husband’s phone showed me that. One account has the base station, outdoor camera and the other devices I haven’t reinstalled.
Would I be better off deleting everything off that account or reinstalling everything to be under this email?
I’m confused on how best to fix this.
To make matters worse, my Cam Plus for this camera is under my other email address.
I would make sure you are using 1 account for Wyze. Not sure which would be easier for you, but I would keep the one which has the outdoor base on it to minimize impact with that.
Or keep the one from which you shared your devices with your husband.
You could also reach out to Wyze and see if they can merge the accounts.
Thank you so much for your help.
Wyze was contacted months ago to merge accounts when we realized I had 2. It must now have gone through. I think I’ll take your suggestion and use the same account that my outdoor base is registered to.
Again… Many thanks
my pleasure, glad you figured it out.
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