Today, Wyze signed me out of all my cameras, I signed in and the rest of the day all my trying to view my live cameras, I have the “play” button symbol over my live cameras? I must hit “view live” button to view them live. After resetting all cameras and restarting iphone, they went back to have the “play” symbol and Iam getting push notification sounds, but no pop up on my iPhone screen. I’ve checked all notifications to make sure all are enabled, but still nothing changed. I have 3 wyze cam pan v3 cameras and 1 older V2cam pan,… many running on different routers in different towns. Why did my live views disappear and why did I even get signed out of my account? I will keep poking at the system and see if I get lucky, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
You might have Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Autoplay Video Live Streams toggled OFF . See Wyze APP in IOS.
yep…sure did…I didn’t change it, but that was one of my problems…now how to get my push notifications back?? That is enabled for each camera…I can hear the notice, but nothing to see? Checked my iPhone for messages and notifications, all enabled…Ive never had this happen before.
I’m glad that solved one piece of the puzzle!
In addition to the individual camera settings, I’d check Account ➜ Notifications ➜ Push Notifications. As an Android user, I’d look within the OS’s notification settings for the app, as well, but I’m not sure what your options are for that, so hopefully an iOS user will chime in with some advice.
Something else you might consider is deleting and reinstalling the app, which should restore most of your settings when you log back into your Wyze account, but, again, I’d defer to another iOS user for guidance here.
I do wonder, though, if clearing your in-app cache ( Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Cache File Size ➜ Clear) and then logging out ( Account ➜ Log Out) and logging back in to grab a fresh profile/settings copy from Wyze’s servers would help. The behavior you describe makes me wonder if something in your local profile data got corrupted, especially if settings changed without your deliberate intervention.
What’s the possibility that someone using your account on another device made settings changes? Sometimes this sort of thing can happen with spouses who share accounts.
In addition to what @crease said, it sounds like you may have gotten an automatic app update. Perhaps just totally uninstall and reinstall the app to clear up any glitches, have had to do that on Android a couple of times with the v3 app - especially back when it first came out.
OK , solved the live view problem, removed app and reinstalled newer app, videos seem more clear than ever, but still not getting those pop up notices on my iPhone, I can hear when I should see the banner show up, but blank screen. The notices are so sporadic for my cameras the last few days, seems like they come in bunches or none at all. I have done hard reset on my iPhone which clears cache, reset routers…checked notifications so they are on, I just do not know what controls the screen that should allow me to view the notifications. Will have to trouble shoot the iPhone , seems like a simple fix?
I’m not an iPhone user but the display of notification should be a phone OS function and not a Wyze one. If you’re hearing the sound, it seems the notification is making it from Wyze to the OS?
When you go into the app, is the notification there and does it have a picture associated with it etc?
The thing I’m wondering with this one is whether @KSgpa2020 is having unusual or unexpected experiences with other iOS apps, because I still don’t know if this is an app-specific issue or an OS-level issue, and my hands-on time with an iPhone was years ago. I also wonder if Apple users like @Antonius or @habib would have any suggestions, 'cause I’m fairly worthless for iOS guidance.
I must admit this got me stumped. The only thing I can think of is the notification settings might be disabled. This is what I have in my settings for Wyze app. Make sure that you don’t have “Never” selected.
Thank you for your input!
I hope it helps
apple says its a proximity sensor at top of my phone is dirty or damaged…sorry came down with stomach flu landed me n bed…will look into that sensor later
Oof. Feel better!
NO, nothing to see when I hear app notification
so, if I am looking at my phone and screen is lit up, I will see the Wyze notification as usual…but dark screen(which is turned up) shows me nothing
Sounds like some sort of privacy setting on your phone. On android there is an option as to whether or not to show notifications when the phone is locked, sounds like something similar.
Hope you feel better. I doubt it has anything to do with proximity sensor. The proximity sensor just tells the phone to turn the screen off when you bring the phone to your ear when you talk.
As @dave27 said above, it has something to do with setting on your phone.
Head to Settings on your phone and click on Notifications…
… then click on Show Previews…
…and make sure you have either Always or When unlocked. Hope this solves the mystery.