After opening Wyze App on iOS (iPad & iPhone) and going to Favorites my internet quits working as I scroll down to my 10th or 11th device. It stays disconnected for about 90 seconds after I kill the app. We use Summit broadband and I test connectivity with the Speed app. The disconnect is very consistent with my IOS and my wife’s IOS while on my home network. I checked with Summit Broadband and they did not show any issues. I have connected with other networks and not had any issues. Any insight would be most welcome.
Are you trying to open all of those favorites (10 or 11) with Auto Video Live Stream turned on?
I have 14 cams on my favorites page but I have the Auto Live stream turned off
It is very unlikely for the Wyze app to shut down your internet. I suspect a dying router. Looks like it can’t handle multiple streams. I had a modem/router combo that was behaving the same before it died.
If I want to see live stream I just use the monitoring tab, it loads all 14 cams quite fast, even the old WCO v1 cams.
I found putting the cams in a group works best for my case use.
Thank you Antoninus. Your suggestion worked. I do wish I could Autoplay, but my 12 devices apparently exceed my networks ability to livestream devices ant once and crashes. I’m good for now thanks to you.