"Live" Monitoring is not Live

I have Cam-Plus on my Front Porch Cam-v3 & my bay window Pan-v3. I use my iPad almost exclusively for either Wyze or as a translation tablet (Ava.me is only fired up once or twice a week, it’s Wyze the rest of the time).

I’m homebound. I like being able to see all three of my outdoor cameras at once. I don’t think that’s too much to ask when there’s four slots available. >.>

Or do I have to somehow find and learn a different OS with a brain injury because iOS doesn’t run right? Is that what I’m going to be told the issue is?
Or am I going to be told it’s a hardware/software bug issue and to ‘wait’ while I’m being charged for features that don’t and haven’t worked?


if you have Cam Plus on the 3 cameras (Wyze Cam V3’s), you should be able to use My.wyze.com/live to see the camera. It will look something like this:

This is viewable from a Browser and, for me, I can stream it all day.

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There’s a recurring issue with that.

I wish I could use the browser, but Wyze doesn’t seem to like Safari.

Works with Chrome on an iPad


So we’re back to learning a new OS with multiple TBIs!

Is this what you would want to hear, or that the app you’re paying for would actually work?

It’s a new Browser. Not a new OS.

Big, big difference. Chrome/Edge/Safari are all basically the same.

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Additionally; you will run into many incompatibilities with Safari. It’s not perfect. Neither is Edge or Chrome. You need to have 2 browsers when dealing with web portals as the browser makers don’t make everything exactly the same.

And you would switch something that’s been tied into the working system you’ve built for years for the sake of one app? >.>

I have to think about multiple moving pieces here, and my entire treatment plan, including how my medical plan is tied in.

And if you think ‘just remembering’ to use a different OS/browser is simple, I don’t think you understand how brain damage works.


Anyway, I want the WYZE APP to work. That I pay for. Not to run it in some other system.

Default browser Safari, search engine google. I just signed in that way. iOS 17.6.1 iPad

I’m not suggesting I understand how brain damage works.

I’m telling you how technology works. You aren’t “changing” something, you are putting an “additional” browser on your iPad. That’s it. Safari is still there.

Adding another browser DOES NOT, let me repeat that, DOES NOT change anything about how you used your iPad or any apps on your Ipad or any other function on your IPad.

It’s an app… like Angry Birds, or YouTube, or Garage Band, or anything else.

The app works. And so does the web portal (on Chrome).

Sorry you have some hurdles to overcome but that is technology. It sounds like this type of technology may be too much for your condition and maybe you should think about another route to get the results you are seeking.



Even brain damaged, when I can stand at my front window, and the app says ‘live’ in monitoring, and it’s giving me ALERTS that things that I am seeing through my window are happening, and the app is actually frozen, I do not call that the app working.

But that is what happens on a regular basis!

When my hearing alert dog alerts and I look on the app and it says ‘live’ and yet there is a frozen screen, that is NOT the ‘app working’. When I refresh and nothing happens, that is NOT the ‘app working’. I pay for this app. How am I ‘using it wrong’? Can you tell me how I could possibly click on Monitoring, slide the feed all the way to the left, see the Live camera on the bottom, STILL have a frozen feed, and IT BE ME MESSING UP? Or is the app broken, and I somehow have to use a browser to MAKE it work?


Well… There are SEVERAL threads about this very discussion.

I’m an I.T. guy by trade. And the first thing I would ask you to do is give me the make/model of your cable comapany modem/router and tell me the make/model of your personal router (if you aren’t using the one provided by the cable company).

Issues with these cameras are 98% resolved by a proper network setup that has good coverage. If your equipment is aged or doesn’t have proper coverage, then it’s probably time to look at updating the network setup.

I would also look at your Internet Speeds. These days, that’s less of an issue because most high-speed internet plans are more than enough. But the key factors here are your Upload Speed (NOT download) and if you have any latency in your connection (speedtest.net can tell you this). Here is mine for example:

You will see that I have a healthy Upload and great ping (32ms at the highest). If you aren’t aware of what latency is… or PING… it’s like a submarine’s radar of when it sends out a ping and how fast does it come back. The internet does the same thing. It needs a handshake to work.

If we go through the network audit, and then everything is still weird…then we start looking at software.

I suggest you have someone that knows what they are doing, go through your networking setup. If you are using the cable company WIFI, get rid of it and get your own. I HIGHLY suggest upgrading to Mesh Wifi. I personally use Wyze Mesh WiFi Pro. 2 nodes. Works great. Provides great coverage for my 1600 sq ft house and yard.

Other makers of Mesh Wifi are:

Tp-Link Deco
Eero Pro
Asus ZenWiFi
Google Nest
Netgear Orbi

You can’t go wrong with any of these.

You need to remember that applications don’t run in a vacuum. When issues arise, it’s not JUST a software issue. Network enabled apps rely on many things to run properly. It’s just like a car… you can have a great Cadillac but if you are driving it down a dirt road that has holes, it’s not such a great car anymore. Fix the road, the car will run smoother. Not perfect… but MUCH smoother.

Go read the forums about this issue. You will see many folks reporting back that ditching the cable company’s equipment and getting WiFi that is up-to-date and provides coverage, has basically solved all the issues with the cameras.

This is the way.

Live view on the monitoring tab works on both my iPad and iPhone and shows 4 cameras live. I’m using iOS app 2.50.9 (1)


This proves my point… same software but it’s working just fine. Why is that? My guess, @Antonius has good networking at home.

If the software is bad, it would ALWAYS be bad. Not just sometimes for some people.

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Oh. For it to work you need not to be on SSI (under $10k/year).

Great! Thanks. Good to know.

I’ll drop the subscription since it isn’t doing anything anyway.

That’s life. It’s not fair. And not everyone has the same thing as everyone else. I’m sorry you can’t afford more due to your situation but that has nothing to do with technology.

It is what it is, costs what it costs, and behaves how it behaves in spite of any socio-economic situation. Save some of your pennies and change your routers out for about $250 for 2-nodes.

Or throw it all out. Makes no matter to me or the cameras. I’m just the tech-messenger.

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I save for my service dog’s vet visits.

And pulling a subscription isn’t tossing cameras. I can use them without giving Wyze money every month. :roll_eyes:

Also, some companies manage to make gear that works with more than the latest & greatest. See… most computer companies. Apple, Nintendo, Sony, Kenmore, Google, most companies that have software doesn’t seem to have an issue with this; they know it makes them more money in the long run to market to more than the upper class of the first world.
But if Wyze can’t or won’t legacy program, that’s on them.:person_shrugging:

I will go ahead and file this one as:

  • Entitled user will never be happy no matter how much you explain how something works. It’s always someone else’s fault.
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They both last maybe a year before they get latest and greater. :rofl:

I use Chrome, Edge, and Brave. Can you try one of them?